View Full Version : Sedation Experiences - Please share

30-07-14, 08:42

I am going for a sedation appointment to have a root canal done tomorrow.

Has anyone had any experiences with sedation? Please share

The reason behind my post is because I am trying to suppress a slight worry that something will go wrong.

Thanks in advance

30-07-14, 09:22
I have had sedation it wasn't bad at all first i had my Bp taken then he injected the stuff in my arm told me to keep my eye on the clock on the wall I had to keep saying the time then I felt weird like drunk that's all I know next thing I know am coming round in the recovery room nurse said all done. Good luck hope it goes well for u let us know how u get on :hugs:

30-07-14, 18:54
Nothing to worry about, the needle goes in and then you don't know anything until you wake up and it is all over with :) I came home and slept most of the day after. I have had it done more than once now.

30-07-14, 19:21
Have someone there to drive you as you won't be able to. Maybe even take a video ;) Some of the funniest Youtube vids are those coming out of anesthesia ~lol~

I told this here before. When I had my stents put in, I was knocked out. In the recovery room, my wife was with me (we weren't married then). I don;t remember but she said I kept grabbing her butt and saying "My Tushie" ~lol~

You'll be fine really. It's REALLY good stuff! ;)

Positive thoughts

30-07-14, 19:28
I had sedation when I had a cateract done.
Whatever it was it was amazing stuff.
They could have taken my head off and I wouldn't have minded :)
Whilst the op was going on,I was aware of everyone talking around me,in ordering their lunch and other chat,but I felt very calm.