View Full Version : I had an outburst in work

30-07-14, 15:41
I don't know what section of the forum this should go in. I suffer with general anxiety and this week I have been feeling extra stressed (work related, holiday soon and stressed about packing etc) and I just kinda snapped in work today.
I feel so bad now, guilty, embarrassed and annoyed with myself.

I don't even know if I want to talk about it. I work in a shop. I had a bottle of water by the till and my assitant manager told me I couldn't ( which has never happened in all the years of working in retail). I said something like it's too warm though I need it, something like that. The area manager was there and she told me off. She was calm and I paniced and argued. I must have looked like I was going to cry or something as I felt anxious then and I hate confrontation.

She took me to the back room to chat and I apologised. I just snapped, I feel so bad now. I'm just concerned what they must think. I'm just concerned what it looked like when she told me off.
I just needed to keep the water there, I don't get a break for some shifts and I have a dry mouth throughout the day when I'm on the till.
I know I should have just kept my mouth shut and I so wish I had.
I've let myself down, I always thought this attitude/being angry and talking back was related to my anxiety because I never used to be like this, I'm mostly a passive, walk over me person. I just snapped.

I don't know how to stop this from happening in the future and I don't know how not to feel bad about this. It probably does sound like I'm just a angry person who made a fuss about something so tiny.
I don't want to talk about it anymore:weep:

Thanks for taking your time to read this.

30-07-14, 15:48
I don't know what the laws are there but here you must be allowed to take a break every 4 hours. Unless it's in the "rules", you should be allowed to have a bottle of water within reach. Perhaps not sitting in plain view in a retail setting but certainly under the counter. One cannot be expected to not to have a sip of water nor use the bathroom when needed.

Positive thoughts

30-07-14, 15:51
The law says a break if you work 6 hours, I worked for 5 today and didn't get one(company policy) Sometimes I'm on my own for hours and don't get a break. She said it was company policy not to have a bottle of water by the till and went on about people having cans by the till. So I argued and feel bad about it

30-07-14, 15:56
I'm pretty sure it's a legal requirement to have a source of drinking water whilst at work. If you don't get a break and can't leave the till then you need a drink.

She was probably nervous because area manager was there and concerned about appearances. You just wanted some water to hand. I don't think there is anything wrong that. Especially as it had previously been allowed up until that day.

They can't take action against you. You're allowed water.

If they say anything more about it just say "yeh I need a drink of water whilst I'm working. Sometimes I don't get a break"
If they say "yes but", say "it's a legal requirement that I have a source of drinking water during my shift so I accept what you're saying and I await your response on how I can have a source of drinking water whilst on my shift"

I can get prickly like that too. But I never enjoy the feeling afterwards.
Put a positive spin on it like that and put it behind you.

30-07-14, 17:38
Think of it this way - you stood up for what you believe in. If you'd kept quiet you might have been disappointed about being walked over. Having a source of water is very important especially when it's warm and tiring.

30-07-14, 19:08
I cannot see ANY REASON why water cannot be within reach whatever you are doing. Say you take regular meds and need the water? How would a diabetic react if told they could not have a 5 min break to have a biscuit and take they injection etc?