View Full Version : What medications are you taking for GAD?

30-07-14, 18:40
Hi guys

I'm just wondering what meds you are on for GAD?

Anti-depressants or anti anxiety or beta blockers (I'm not sure what these are) I was on an anti-depressant citalopram about 5 years ago and I don't think it did much for my GAD. I'm hitting a rough spot and I'm going to see my GP but just wondered about other peoples experiences if you don't mind sharing of course.


30-07-14, 18:57
Hi Saor

Same position as me, Citalopram for 8 years but felt they were doing nothing so recently been changed to Setraline (antidepressant) and Propanalol (betablocker)

If you are not happy see your GP as I have. I cannot comment on effectiveness yet as it has only been a few days.

30-07-14, 18:58
Thanks Mat.......I've always wondered are beta blockers not enough on their own, are antidepressants always needed?...hmmm

30-07-14, 19:06
Every doc will say different things. I pushed for BBs as well as ADs as sometimes I get palpitations but I am only using them when needed rather than relying on them. At my doc visit my BP was borderline at 146/90 but as I am ill at the moment that could have rasied it as a few months ago it was 122/82 (perfect)

BBs can be used for anxiety but if like me you are depressed an AD is also needed. Side effects depend on metabolism, some worse than other people. So far I have upset stomach and dry mouth but upset stomach could also be antibiotics I am on as well as my IBS

30-07-14, 23:17
Every doc will say different things. I pushed for BBs as well as ADs as sometimes I get palpitations but I am only using them when needed rather than relying on them. At my doc visit my BP was borderline at 146/90 but as I am ill at the moment that could have rasied it as a few months ago it was 122/82 (perfect)

BBs can be used for anxiety but if like me you are depressed an AD is also needed. Side effects depend on metabolism, some worse than other people. So far I have upset stomach and dry mouth but upset stomach could also be antibiotics I am on as well as my IBS

Oh god you poor thing, that's a lot going on at the one time. I hope you feel better soon, wouldn't wish all that on anyone. I've had IBS but since I gave up wheat and dairy it seems to have disappeared.......touch wood!!

02-08-14, 04:32
Pregabalin and mirtazapine for me (neither is an SSRI).

02-08-14, 08:31
I've been on citalopram, seroxat, prozac and mirtazapine. The first three never worked whilst the fourth did but had horrible side effects.