View Full Version : Change of meds

30-07-14, 18:42
Hi everyone

I have been on Cipralex with great success for the last two years (apart from the notorious weight gain). My doctor has recently put me on a generic form of escitalopram (actavis) - apparently the NHS are now using this instead of cipralex because it's far cheaper.

Has anybody else out there had a change to their meds in a similar way or is anyone already on Actavis escitalopram with success?

I'm genuinely frightened of slipping backwards as I now put so much faith in my cipralex. I notice the actavis doesn't even mention it helps anxiety although the chemical ingredient is still the same so presumably it does.

There is so much negativity on the internet about the generic forms of mental health meds.

Any words of wisdom most appreciated......

Michelle xx

30-07-14, 18:48
I need to change from citalopram, it helps my anxiety but for depression, its doing nothing.

I was told there is a really good drug for anxiety and depression but I forgot its name.

30-07-14, 18:54
Hi. My anxiety and depression was under control (sort of) for a few years but came back badly (see my latest threads) these last couple of weeks.

I was on Citalopram 20mg for 8 years but felt they were doing nothing for me so saw my GP a few days ago and am now on Setraline 50mg and Propanalol 40mg. Only taking half doses of Setraline at the moment as doc said to do this for a few days and have upset stomach and dry mouth which is what I had when starting Citalopram so I guess normal.

My Propanalol is only when I feel I need it - only taken 1 so far in 2 days but it is there if needed and will carry them on me when out.