View Full Version : time to increase or get off??

30-07-14, 22:51
As many of you know I am very med sensitive, so I started on cit 4 months ago in liquid form..It took me almost 2 months to get to 10mg. I have been on 10mg tablets now for around 2 months (I take 5 with breakfast and 5 with lunch) and also take .5mg of ativan..I had a couple of weeks that I was starting to feel improvement, I was so hopeful..And then crashed again, it has been 2 weeks and feel really bad, wake up in a panic, scared to go anywhere, dizzy all the time, tinnitus in my ears, sad...I don't know if I should try and increase or just get off of cit..If I feel this bad again on 10mg, I am afraid of what I will feel like on a larger dose..And, why did I feel some inprovement and now feel so bad again...So, Sorry, just need to vent and some advice..thank you all, debbie

31-07-14, 00:20
I'm the same. I've changed medication so much in recent months and still haven't attained stability. I was on 5mg of citalopram and couldn't stabilise - however, I couldn't increase as I know that my anxiety/restlessness would increase also...

Perhaps your current crash is just a blip and things should iron themselves out over time? The fact that you were feeling better suggests that the citalopram is doing something. Have you tried to minimise anxiety by cutting out or limiting caffeine, alcohol and processed foods? Also, there may be something psychological in nature that's causing the increased anxiety even if you can't pinpoint it exactly?