View Full Version : I have a job interview tomorrow and I am really freaking out about it?

31-07-14, 03:43
I graduated from my university about 2 1/2 months ago. I have a degree that requires a master's degree in order to practice (speech therapy) but I didn't get into graduate school as it is very competitive. I'm sort of in the process of seeing if I can still take some classes and try to re-apply, but the thing is, I'm not totally sure it's what I want to do.

So, I moved home with my parents and twin brother (who was accepted to graduate school to become a school psychologist). I am asked almost daily and made to feel guilty, mainly by my father, because I don't have a job (I worked all through college but had to leave my most recent job as it was a student job and I'm no longer a student) and I didn't get into school. It's not that I want to keep mooching off my family or anything, I'm just scared and stressed and feel a lot of pressure - like I've been backed into a corner with no way to turn.

I've applied for several jobs, most that I'm interested in. But I applied for a customer service job at a company that's based here in town - it's probably one of the largest employers in the area so I figured it wouldn't be terribly hard to get an interview/job there. I don't know about pay (I guess I'll find out) or working conditions (some love it there, some absolutely hate it) but I figured it would be a start and that it would at least buy me some time to figure things out.

But naturally I'm terrified. I'm always scared for interviews anyway, and I'm afraid of being offered the job and being stuck in something I hate or missing out on other opportunities or something bad. All the bad, bad, bad things that could happen are just running through my mind. I'm thinking about how this job won't translate much into a "career", I'm thinking that I have very limited "professional" clothes to wear and would need to go on a major shopping spree, I'm thinking of all the anxiety that is to come.

I also haven't told my family about the interview, partially because I think they have mixed feelings about the company (it's a graphic design/sportswear company) and because I don't want to do badly and not get the job and be a failure yet again. I know this is something I have to do and something I must face and that sometimes we just have to do things that we hate because it's part of being an adult, etc. But all I want to do is hide :unsure:

31-07-14, 13:12
It's natural to feel nervous about an interview. That being said, it's just an interview. To start looking at all the "what ifs" about a job or company before an offer is made is a mute point.

Here's the thing. It's just a job. Worst case is you hate it and leave. Remember, it's always, without question, easier to find a job when you already have a job ;)

Positive thoughts

31-07-14, 17:08
Thanks for your answer. I'm actually sitting in their lobby now, both frustrated and nervous because the receptionist told me I was actually scheduled for yesterday. I know it was today because I wrote it down and stressed about it all week...of course this does nothing for my anxiety!

But you're right. And if nothing else, it is interview experience which is always good on the chance I actually get selected to interview for one of the jobs I really want.