View Full Version : Sleeping a lot!?

31-07-14, 09:13
I can't shift it, I'm constantly tired. The mornings are awful, I don't feel overly depressed just more high alert and anxious, yesterday I spent all day out ( which I haven't done in a long time, I've been suffering bad with my agro again) and think that just wiped me out.....

Does anyone else feel they need naps a lot with high anxiety? My CBT therapist in the past has said this isn't really an issue when your severely anxious like I am and that it will ease but I really don't like it, the need to sleep a lot and some days not being able to peel myself off the sofa.

---------- Post added at 09:13 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

Should of added I'm struggling to settle at night too. The past few nights I've been in bed 2-3am up for 7-8 then I'm going to sleep on the living room floor (not the comfiest) for some reason as soon as I get in to bed I'm horribly unsettled x

31-07-14, 14:46
I have agoraphobia and I worry about things a lot, I feel like there is always something in the back of my mind and I am constantly tired.
I literally could just lay in bed all day if it wasn't for the fact I get quite achy when I do nothing.
I do spend most of my days on the couch though and find even the slightest things strenuous. I am just permanently fatigued and it never seems to go away.