View Full Version : does cit alter the way your imagination works?

31-07-14, 09:10
Been on cit 4weeks now. I've noticed my dreams are a lot different on Cit, they're vivid but they focus on smaller details and are more realistic, they're based on memories or specific items rather than the usual jumbled up random kind of dream; for example I had a dream about a padlock on the back of a van (yawn!).
I've noticed my imagination seems to be able to focus on specific details rather than runaway scenarios either good or bad, so for example if I try and picture a dinosaur (something I did a lot as a little kid!) I see his eye clearly but struggle with the rest of him.
Anyone else the same?
Thanks, Mark.

31-07-14, 09:24
Not noticed this personally...nut we are all different so therefore respond differently to drugs....... it may settle in time.


02-08-14, 16:25
i definitely dream differently than i used to. This is my 2nd time on cit, and both times i have noticed very vivid and real dreams.
They are usually related to something that is happening or has happening that day but often exaggerated. For example, last night, i had a dream where people were commenting on my weight loss (i have lost 3 stone this year with slimming world) and congratulating me and i looked in the mirror in my dream and i was literally stick thin and could touch my fingers around my waist. Very weird.

they are never usually scary, although i do refer to them as nightmares when they are particularly strange!

11-08-14, 05:36
Yes, recently after i started the cit i woke up one morning remembering my old room 20 years ago with every single detale, wallpapers, doors, everything, i was thinking of childhood etc, it also made me think different, and i had the most stupid and awful dreams. on and off cit. I plan to make a list with all the side effects on and off the drug.it was HELL.

30-10-14, 10:03
sounds just like me! my imagination has gone wild, my dreams are sometimes insanely realistic. i nearly always rememeber them in fine detail as well. sometimes, i can dream in the 10 minutes between snoozing my alarms, but the dream feels like hours long instead of a couple of minutes! my dreams sometimes freak me out, they're so close to real life about people and places i know. events that are going to happen or what ever ive dojne that particular day. i often wake up confused, like a midway between asleep and awake. the same happens going to sleep as well... i relax then drift into this weird stage where my body switches, i can feel it and i can hear words but theyre not sentences... then i'm asleep

i get terrible restless leg now a lot... i get jolts and jerks in bed at night, often night sweats... and i get leg shakes as well which i dont realise but annpys people at work if im touching the desk, i dont know im doing it til i get moaned at!!!

sometimes its hard to tell whats real or not real, what was a dream or not.. its weird

i imagine a lot of things when im awake as well... sometimes i day dream, words might fall out or if ive a pen and paper i'll write down random words and sentences that make no sense whatsoever!

i still hear voices, although not as bad as it was when i started citalopram... i leant to live with it now more than anything. i learnt to live with everything to be honest though...


01-11-14, 14:21
Been on cit 4weeks now. I've noticed my dreams are a lot different on Cit, they're vivid but they focus on smaller details and are more realistic, they're based on memories or specific items rather than the usual jumbled up random kind of dream; for example I had a dream about a padlock on the back of a van (yawn!).
I've noticed my imagination seems to be able to focus on specific details rather than runaway scenarios either good or bad, so for example if I try and picture a dinosaur (something I did a lot as a little kid!) I see his eye clearly but struggle with the rest of him.
Anyone else the same?
Thanks, Mark.

Hi Mark :)

This has really happened to me! My dreams are very vivid but also incredibly realistic so I keep dreaming things and think they've happened in real life when they haven't. It's really strange isn't it? I'm yet to discuss it with my GP though so maybe you should see if they can help.
All the best.