View Full Version : Can anxiety CAUSE pain?

31-07-14, 15:07
I've been having pain in my right side for te past few months.. I've had clear bloods & scans and the doctor says I'm okay but it still hurts.
The only test I need to have is a smear and I'm too young (24) so naturally I've convinced myself I have cervical cancer due to pains in my hip and thigh and now I feel like my lady-parts hurt...

Could the pain be anxiety because I'm focused on it? And does anyone else experience pain which links to their particular fear?

I'm doing cbt at the minute but I'm very confused by this.. I want to ask for a smear early but I know that seeing medical professional every. Week isn't going to do me any good!

Also, my right hip has been very achey recently and I can feel a bone lump that isn't on the left hip.. No one will take me seriously about this as they say I can't have grown a new bone but I'm worried it's a tumour... Blood smear came back clear so apparently this rules out cancers of the bone? Am I just being paranoid? Xx

31-07-14, 17:24
It can cause a type of which doesn't exist for a physical reason called Psychogenic pain

31-07-14, 18:14
One look through the "Symptoms" link will answer that question ;)

Positive thoughts

31-07-14, 18:17
Yes! I had lower right pain, had a scan, papsmear etc.. all came back normal. Still get it and its been years, I think more so when I focus on it. It drives me crazy! But nothing is truly wrong. Crazy right?

31-07-14, 19:04
Hi I have had right sided pain for years like you had scans blood tests ca125 smears the lot always say nothing is wrong but I think worrying and focusing on it certainly makes it worse, I have had cbt and it did help but sometimes I can feel the worry creeping back they told me healthy people get aches and pains and nothing is wrong we automatically think pain equals something being seriously wrong but it doesn't mean that its hard to think logically sometimes and as soon as I get a pain it means something is wrong ha is a horrible thing hope this helps good luck with your cbt. Toria x

01-08-14, 08:43
Thanks everyone - it's useful to know you two have also had similar pain with no reason behind it!
It's mad ... All this came on when I moved and got a new job.
I'm also having horrendous dreams about my brother drowning :( so I think this is all anxiety related as I'm also really jumpy and self concious and have ibs symptoms!

I really want to ask for a Pap smear but I know I should wait until I get a letter in a few months.

Thanks again for your help!

*Fallen Angel*
01-08-14, 10:31
Anxiety can definitely cause you to feel real pain and magnify anything existing. I once read a good book about fear and how the subconscious mind doesn't know what's real or not but just responds accordingly. The trick is the shut that part of the mind up. I'm yet to be successful!

01-08-14, 11:27
Yes yes so much yes!

I saw a counsellor recently and he explained that when we were cavemen we had tiny brains, and now we have one of the biggest brains of all mammals. The way he says it is we have two brains. A caveman brain and the one we have now which has evolved to be much larger.

Our caveman brain is the instinctual part of it, it tells us when danger is near so we could react appropriately. Tells us when to run, freeze or fight.

Our evolved brain still includes that caveman brain, but this part is responsible for other things. Creativity, look at our buildings and how far we have come with everything since those caveman days.

Our body is made up of chemicals. We create and release these all the time. Pooping, sweating etc. Thing is, when we were cavemen (and much more active) and had to fight, flight or freeze, our body created these chemicals to prepare us for what we were going to do. These chemicals would then be released in whichever way - vomiting, sweating etc.

Our caveman brain still plays a huge part in our lives now. It's what would tell us to get under a table if an earthquake happened, stuff like that. Is very useful. The thing is our wih our evolved brain we can imagine stuff! We can imagine all kinds of horrible things. When we have these anxious thoughts our caveman brain kicks in - it can't differentiate between what is a real threat and what is imagined so it will pump our body full of chemicals to prepare for battle, running or freezing to prepare for the danger. We are then left with all these chemicals which are not being released, these can build up and cause physical pain! Over time, imagine how much anxiety you are having and how many chemicals are constantly piling up?

Anyway, he suggested that our bodies needs to excrete these chemicals. He suggested a sauna as means of this because you can sweat the excess out. Is better than exercise because with exercise you are constantly creating more chemicals, not just releasing them.
we have two brains,

01-08-14, 11:35
It certainly can be anxiety related, could also be menstrual related. I get the strangest pain in my upper left bum cheek.
You could request a smear early, won't cause any harm, but at the same time you have had other test done and if there was any indication anything was wrong you would have been given a smear.

01-08-14, 23:06
Iyar I get this a the time I always worry its my appendix I've been for blood tests and tempeture and had check up and they said its all fine :( xx any get same thing

01-08-14, 23:21
Whenever I get a new health worry, I get pain there. So yes, I think we're either creating actual pain or focusing too hard, therefore noticing every twinge. Health anxiety is pretty powerful stuff!
I posted a thread a while back asking the same thing.x

02-08-14, 01:01
Long story short - yes. It can cause physical pain, generally muscular related. Can also cause a variety of other symptoms. The list is huge really. It can also cause pain that feels like real physical pain, but is actually a result of your brain sending incorrect signals, interpreting pain where there actually isn't any.

---------- Post added at 10:01 ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 ----------

If you've seen a doctor and they've ruled out anything serious then try and accept their advice :) or you can see another doctor for a second opinion.

02-08-14, 09:42
Thanks so much everyone - I also think my pain could be from poking around. I asked my boyfriend to look at something one hip and he was shocked how much I was digging around!
BUT .. I've been using the cbt course on here for a few days and feel it's helping already!
Also going to see a consultant about my cervix worry next week so hopefully that will all be fine and I can get on the road to recovery!
Anxiety is such an odd thing causing all these sensations! Xxx

02-08-14, 22:30
Yep me too, glad I'm not alone, I wouldnt wish pain upon anyone though if you know what I mean.

Sometimes I feel pain in my neck, joints, feet, also muscular pain. My joints crack quite a bit too. At the moment, one of my upper eyelids keeps twitching, maybe due to stress/anxiety.

03-08-14, 07:18

This is fear of the unknown. You need to think positively and do breathing exercise to eradicate the fear that you are feeling right now. Our brain is very powerful so whatever thoughts we are thinking it sometimes happen, like experiencing a pain on certain parts of our body. Conquer your fear.

Best of Luck,