View Full Version : Exercise and headaches...Dont want to google!

31-07-14, 18:43
I'm trying hard not to google incase it sets me off hugely. But my question is, does anyone here that does training/gym get headaches during or after? I don't mean really bad headaches, but they are there for a bit, kind of intermittent. It doesn't always happen to me but when it does I get very scared about why they might be happening. Is it normal?
Any advice would be great. Thank you.

31-07-14, 18:53
do you lift heavy?

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

or do strenuous workouts, cycling, fast running, weights, etc? Or do you take it easy and only spike the HR a bit?

31-07-14, 19:14
I do both, some days weights some days cardio. Today was a cardio toning routine and I felt a bit headachey. They are hard workouts, very strenuous.
I've just got myself a bit panicked

31-07-14, 19:42
Totally normal to get a headache after. Normal headache/migraine suffers, over 70% get headaches while working out. Can last up to 48 hours after. Totally harmless.

I have gotten it a few times myself. Some always do, some never do. You are 100% OK :)

31-07-14, 20:19
Ah thanks Dolphin, that's really helpful :) X

31-07-14, 20:20
It's totally normal, but the "why" kind of depends on the situation (the only real reason you might need to know "why" would be to try to prevent it). It may be that you are working your body too hard, it may be you're getting too hot, you may need to drink more water, or sometimes you may even be working in an environment that's too cold (happens to me all the time).

Good for you for working out - I need to start but I can never motivate myself!

31-07-14, 22:00
Thanks poppy :) Yeah I'm thinking now that maybe I was a bit dehydrayed before I even started so that might have set it off a bit.
I find motivating myself hard too on some days. But once I've done it I usually feel better! Xx