View Full Version : Surgery tomorrow. Fear of Anesthesia and panic.

31-07-14, 20:42
So I'm having my gallbladder removed tomorrow. I'm not afraid of the surgery, I'm afraid of getting a panic attack when when they knock me out, or when i suddenly and abruptly wake up, having a terrible panic attack and my heart going so fast and out of control. Could this happen? Could I die?

31-07-14, 20:51
They tend to give people sedatives as well as a general anaesthetic to help people stay calm....as understandably a lot of people are scared.
Try not to worry, and tell the nurse / dr / surgeon about your fears so they can help relieve them

31-07-14, 21:26
I agree with jacsta. I was well sedated when I came round from having my gall bladder out and slept the rest of the day.

01-08-14, 02:17
I was on general anesthesia for my colonoscopy. Likewise, I was anxious about going into some kind of panic when I was knocked out. But to my surprise, I was extremely calm when I woke up. I'm sure they add some kind of sedative like the others said. I was so calm and confused that I asked... "When is it starting?" when it actually had already ended.