View Full Version : anxiety and its many strange effects

31-07-14, 21:26
Hi new to the site. Started having anxiety and panic attacks a month ago now have been getting progressively worse. To point I think I'm dying all the time. Very strange as was normally very confident and out going and never a thought would pass my mind until now. The symptoms I would say are worse then the attacks as they are constant and unrelenting for me. The worst is pressure in my head which brings on what I can only describe as undescribable. Glad I found somewhere I can turn to

31-07-14, 22:07
Hi sammyboy, sorry you're feeling bad just now, as a fellow anxiety and panic sufferer I can sympathise with how you feel.....but you have to try and remember these symptoms are just a reaction to too much adrenaline. Easy to say and much harder to do I know, try distraction, there are some good calming videos on you tube if you have a look! Even excercise can rid the body of excess adrenaline. Good luck and chin up

25-08-14, 13:45
Hi thank susan64 sorry for late reply been avoiding the internet for a while (symptom junkie) lol was making myself worse. Feel better now been on citalopram for nearly 3 weeks and feeling somewhat better. Should be starting therpy soon as well so fingers crossed. I've now gone from 3 panic attacks a day 7 days a week to maybe 3 a week. Soo something must be working lol

26-08-14, 04:40
Meds can be a big help I just joined today I have been on lexapro for 5 years and just got off and had anxiety and panic start up again 5 night back to lexapro have my 2 girls that need me I find it funny before when I had panic attacks I would just freak out and get dizzy and my heart would race and I would just feel a funny feeling like doom or just not myself ... And this time around I'm getting all these real body symptoms that I didn't even realize that it was anxiety again things do get better big advice I can give u that I even have a problem with is do not goggle your symptoms anyone can right stuff online. . Have a good night.