View Full Version : New health anxiety sufferer

31-07-14, 21:56
Hi all, Ive suffered with anxiety all my life but it really got going about 5 years ago after being with a girlfriend that had constant colds. I was dealing with that fear of catching a virus until about 2 years ago when fear of catching HIV joined the anxiety party. In the last couple of months I had a kind of explosion of fears pop up starting with tetanus then onto bacteria from natural water sources and general dirt.

Ive managed to get control of the general dirt one by telling myself staying meticulously clean is unhealthy and will open my immune system to more serious infections so a normal amount of dirt is needed. Im seeing a therapist and on prozac with diazepam and propranolol in the cupboard for when things get bad. Its actually been ok the last 3 weeks so hopefully I can keep making progress and actually get over some of these fears rather than just being ok while avoiding them.

Anyway, enough rambling and its nice to be somewhere where people understand.

04-08-14, 15:24
Welcome to the site skippy.