View Full Version : MRI scan this week- petrified of brain tumour

31-07-14, 22:39
Hi, I'm new here and hope I'm posting in the right place.

I've had HA for years now and I have suffered from headaches and dizziness as a result of my anxieties for ages. But recently (around 2 years) I developed a strange sensation in my eyes wherein they would 'pulsate' and jump around if I looked to the left or right. It would go away for a few months then come back and it never really seemed to correlate with my bouts of HA.

Recently (last month) I have had these jerky pulsating eye movements everyday
Whether I am looking left or right or straight on. My eyes jump around and see like they won't stay put looking at any one thing, i also feel as though my vision is deteriorating slightly- blurry, harder to read. I have also had a lot if dizziness that seems to be in my head (not psychological, the dizziness actually feels like it's coming from my head) I have also had daily headaches that seem to get worse when I bend over. I've been to see two opticians who both did extra tests to look for any tumours and they both said the pressure in my eyes is normal and my peripheral vision is fine- healthy eyes. My gp suggested that if there was nothing wrong with my eyes it's likely to be neurological and he's sending me for an mri scan on Sunday! I'm so so so panicked about the results and convinced I have a tumour.

Has anyone else had similar symptoms??

Thank u xx

31-07-14, 22:42

I often get rather dizzy and lots of eye problems due to HA.

Mine normally starts as pressure headaches or slight dizziness and escalates the more I think about it.

Try your hardest to ignore it and focus on something else, see if it calms down a bit.

This way it may give you a slight insight into whether it is likely to be anxiety related.

31-07-14, 22:52
Hi, I just want to say thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I'm sat in bed panicking just reading posts on here and it's so overwhelming the amount of support people give.
It means a lot to know that other people have the same symptoms - I just can't imagine getting some bad news next week from the doctor. It's so scary and sad :( just need to relax like you say and occupy my mind with something else.

What made you believe it was just your HA?
Thanks again.

31-07-14, 23:01
There's certain things you just know are HA related, and theres others which are almost like a riddle in a sense.
To us, it's like having to learn chinese, you have to adapt and learn that certain symbols mean certain things
Yet, at the same time chinese people have already learnt it or have the concept (in this instance, people without HA).

To be honest, whether you get bad news or not, it will always be treatable.
It's highly unlikely that it will be something terrible so relax until you know for sure.

Like my mum always says, 'Relax, it might never happen' (although it is definitely easier said than done).

01-08-14, 11:36
Thanks, I will bear that in mind.

Will keep you posted x

01-08-14, 12:15
Health anxiety can cause all types of stuff. Pain, tingles in hands and feet etc etc.
You've had to optomistrists say you are OK and your GP doesn't suspect a tumour and is likely sending you for an MRI for your state of mind - it happens.
I'd say you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

01-08-14, 12:24
Thanks so much for your reassurance.

Does anyone know of any similar threads I could perhaps read regarding the eye issues? I feel like I'm the only one with this strange eye thing!

Thanks again, I know the best thing to do is stay positive.


01-08-14, 13:35
I have had the weird eye sensations as well, a long with the dizziness and headaches. Have had them all for years. Recently I developed an ear twitch. I am going to see an ENT and hoping that I too will be referred for a MRI to check. I hate tests but am so relieved once they come back clear that its like euphoria.

01-08-14, 15:43
Hi Yeah I am pleased I'm being sent for an mri as I don't think id have been able to rest- because I'm a worrier I get nervous and question why my gp sent me so easily- but he has been my gp for years and understands my anxieties. He sent me for an echo and 7 day heart monitor when I was scared of heart disease, a colonoscopy when I thought I had crohns, exploratory surgery when I thought I had endometriosis and now this. So I just hope it's coz he knows I won't rest until I have the test.

I just hope so much I can get the good news I'm disparate for.

Thanks xx