View Full Version : switching from celexa to lexapro

01-08-14, 06:12
Hi..I suffer from extreme panic/anxiety disorder..Fear all the time..Make a long story short, I am also very sensitive to meds. I have been on citalopram for about 4 months..Although I started on liquid and finally got to 10mg about 2 1/2 months ago..I have decided (my doc and I) to switch to lexapo (generic), she said to just start 5mg lexapro tomorrow. Has anyone else made this switch ..She said no need to taper off the citalapram..Any input would be appreciated. thanks, debbie

01-08-14, 14:13
Wishing you well Debbie:hugs:

01-08-14, 16:38
Thanks Paul..How are you doing??:bighug1:

03-08-14, 01:49
Still plodding on Debbie. Bit better now n 20mg. Still quite unmotivated but just going to plod on.

Have you started the esc yet?

take care,


03-08-14, 22:54
Still plodding on Debbie. Bit better now n 20mg. Still quite unmotivated but just going to plod on.

Have you started the esc yet?

take care,

I Paul..Yes I started 3 days ago..I insisted in getting the name brand, not the generic..my doc said no need to wean off of cit, just start esc, the pharmacist said the same thing. I was on 10mg cit , so I have started with 5mg esc..Feeling a bit strange, but most of that is probobly my own mind working overtime!! My doc said I may feel some sensations because I am no longer taking that extra ingredient that is in the cit..Today I just feel very dizzy, off balance..I an taking my lorezapam twice a day to help..I will keep you posted. Debbie:bighug1:

06-08-14, 22:46
Hi Debbie, that must be you at the end of your 1st week - how you doing?

07-08-14, 19:21
Hi Debbie, that must be you at the end of your 1st week - how you doing?
I am hanging in there..I don't know if I feel any better yet, but not worse, so thats a good sign..I do notice I am not as groggy , but the dizziness is quite annoying..I am suppose to go to a concert tomorrow night. It is a very small venue, it is in a old movie theatre..My husband bought tickets for it for my birthday..I am totally freaked out..I will be taking 3 lorezapam!!! Wish me luck..How are you doing on cit? your friend, debbie

10-08-14, 12:54
Hi Debbie,

Hope the concert went well.:hugs:

I'm just about finished my 1st 28 pack of 20mg cit. TBH my motivation is getting lower and lower. My shrink mentioned trazodone, then she mentioned adding 15mg of mirtazapine to cit to get my NE levels up due to lack of drive or motivation. TBH i think she is not really sure what to do. thinking of canning the meds at moment. I am also off bread at the moment as i deffinately do not think it helps my depression. funny thing is they have never checked me for celiac even tho i have to go to the hospital every 3 yrs to get polyps removed from my bowels. Thats me on three yrs of feeling like this. On a positive at least i can sleep at night no probs:yesyes:. howevere would like to be able to do stuff when im not asleep:doh:.

take care my friend:bighug1:

10-08-14, 20:18
Hi Paul,
I survived the concert. On the way there (its only 2 miles from my house) I thought there is no way I am doing this. I was so dizzy and spacey, but got a isle seat, so I had a escape plan..Saw Chris Issak and he was incredible.

I am not sure about the lexapro..It has been 9 days and I feel like crap.
I am sure it is a combo of going off the cit and onto the lexapro. First few days I didn't notice anything, but now I am more anxious and very dizzy..To make matters worse my dad has become ill and not doing well, so I am sure the added stress does not help..I just want to wake up in the morning and feel good!! is that asking too much. I wake up dizzy, nauseaus and nervous..I do notice I am not as groggy on the lexapro, thats one good thing..I may up it to 7.5mg tomorrow and see how it goes. I take .5mg of ativan a day, but I feel like I am taking a sugar pill..

I hope you are not giving up on your meds. I know I am bitching, but we have to give it time..I switched to lexapro because it was suppose to have less se's..Maybe talk to your doc about it...

Well, off to spend time with my dad. Have a good day..We can get thru this...Debbie:bighug1:

26-08-14, 00:26
Just a update, I am on 7.5mg of esc now and going up to 10 in one week and I do think it is helping more than the cit..So I am trying to think positive. Have had a rough couple of days, we had a earthquake here in napa , Ca and had a lot of damage to my house..Scary...

27-08-14, 17:24
great news debbie:hugs:

---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

on the meds i mean:blush:

01-09-14, 17:04
Hi Debbie,

How are setting on the ESC?


02-09-14, 04:05
I think I am going to stick with it..I start 10mg tomorrow. Being off balance seems to be my biggest complaint, but I am going to give it time. How are you doing?:bighug1:

05-09-14, 09:40
Hi Debbie,

Been down to 10mg for last couple of weeks. not really anxious so to speak but quite flat with very very litle motivation. My £200/ hr shrink was to call me back a couple of weeks ago but never did - so just trying to plod on myself.

i just live one dyat a time.

good luck with the escitalopram:hugs:

08-09-14, 08:30
Hi Debbie hope you are well,
how's the 10mg setting now?
We're really struggling at moment as my son has developed full blown ocd over the summer. 3 hrs in the shower no one allowed to touch him. He has been waiting for an appointment for the child mental health for three months. Tried to bring it forward couple of weeks back as it is accelerating so fast out of control. The mental health teams response was we only bring it for if he attempts suicide. So once again we have had to go private. The mental health care in this country is not fit for purpose.

12-09-14, 00:12
I've been switched from Citalopram 20mg and weaned myself down to 10mg (then cold turkey as I was so frustrated) and have now recently started 5mg escitalopram which will increase to 10mg in a few days. I've felt pretty off for the last few days and think that's a mix of coming off the cit and starting the esc, mainly nausea and vomiting (and I have the hugest phobia of vomit!). I'm trying to also be positive and know it will pass eventually, but having a side effect of increased anxiety when taking these for my anxiety is not ideal, especially as Uni start again in two weeks!
Hope they start to settle in soon, and hope they begin to have positive effects for you soon also!
Anyone else wish these things could work instantly :doh:
Rosie :)

15-09-14, 04:46
Hi Rosie,
Hang in there..I was on cit for a few months and find the escit (lexapro) is working better. I stopped the cit one day and started the escit the next day. I am now on 10mg...I hope you get some releif from it. We just have to be patient...debbie