View Full Version : OK, smelly chicken!

01-08-14, 09:42
Where do you stand on chicken? I have a strong nose and I do find that usually I always think raw chicken stinks! Anyway last night I bought some chicken breasts fresh from Morrisons and when I opened them the smell hit me right away! My partner said it was fine and we ate it, but Im pregnant and slightly worried about being sick! I do have slight cramps today, but that maybe cause the curry we had the chicken with had a kick! xx

01-08-14, 10:07
Hi, I think if it was going to make you ill it would have already happened by now.....either end...if you know what I mean! I'm sure you'll be fine. Your sense of smell is probably heightened because you're pregnant.

01-08-14, 10:37
That was my thoughts! Im always sooo cautious with meat and it always smells funny to me! The other half doesn't half get annoyed with me, but then again - he will eat anything! xx

01-08-14, 14:24
I am the SAME way. And when I do eat meat, it has to be so well done, its burnt lol!

02-08-14, 00:02
I agree with Susan on both fronts - if you've had poor meat you'd be unwell by now. Also, many women do have heightened sense of smell during pregnancy, especially during first trimester.

02-08-14, 02:42
I agree too my sense of smell was so good when I was pregnant. My students were so upset I could tell if they were sneaking food all the way to the back of the room.