View Full Version : How long before withdrawal stops?

01-08-14, 17:27
I'm coming off seroxat coldish turkey. went down from 40mg every day to every second day and then to 20mg a day to every second day. I decided to cold turkey after that. I have been off a week. I feel horrible. Dizzy, nausea, my body aches all over, I cant think clearly, my balance goes off every time I close my eyes, I'm crying constantly and everywhere. I want to stay off it because I know it is withdrawal I am experiencing and I have not reverted back to the reason I went on medication in the first place. I am afraid to go to my doctor in case she tells me its my depression/anxiety coming back and she makes me go back on it. I know if I just sit out the withdrawals I can work on getting myself better without the drugs and the side effects. I just don't know how long I will feel like this. Apparently this drug is the most severe for coming off. I also weaned myself off mirtazapine with the help of my doctor. I havent slept properly in days. How long before this stops?

02-08-14, 23:54
I was on this drug for many years and can tell you that going cold turkey isn't advisable. But as you have done it anyway, I'd say that these symptoms generally last about 2-4 weeks depending on the individual. Try taking high dose Vit B Complex. It could help...

Hope you manage to get rid of these horrid symptoms anyway - I know just how bad it is.

03-08-14, 10:03
Hi, I also quit Paroxetine cold turkey 13 week's ago. I have been very lucky as the only side effects I've had were a few weeks of feeling really down in the beginning and a little bit of anxiety.
If you are certain you want off this medication? I would say stick with what you are doing.
Also I have no idea but I never got start up symptoms and I know a lot of people do so I wonder if that could be an indication of what kind of withdrawal you will have?
Good luck.

05-08-14, 08:46
Thanks for your reply. I think I'm going to stick at coming off it. The withdrawal symptoms have eased off a bit and I only have a fuzzy head and short fuse at the minute. I think the worst is over with regards the rest.. hopefully :D

23-09-14, 11:13
I really cant believe you guys believe withdrawal lasts 4 weeks. These are all lies. Seriously. Withdrawal can last for years. DO NOT COLD TURKEY PLEASE!!!

And really, this is no joke. Feel free to do your own research. You guys are way behind

23-09-14, 11:19
never ever cold turkey meds or do the one every other day routine,doctors havent got the slightest clue how to come off these drugs it really annoys me.Ive be yanked of so many meds in the last two years its a wonder my brain hasnt self destructed.Im now coming off 5mg olanzapine at 10% reduction every month,I havent slept properly for weeks ,withdrawal is nasty and relentless if not done properly.You need to go slow and steady to avoid any pain

23-09-14, 12:14
I really cant believe you guys believe withdrawal lasts 4 weeks. These are all lies. Seriously. Withdrawal can last for years. DO NOT COLD TURKEY PLEASE!!!

And really, this is no joke. Feel free to do your own research. You guys are way behind

That's why I said "these symptoms generally last about 2-4 weeks depending on the individual..."

I don't see any point alarming an already very distressed person with these kinds of comments. Yes it's bad, yes it can last a very long time in some people, but the illness being treated is also a very serious matter.

Withdrawals pretty much stopped after a month or so for me but then came back months later resulting in a relapse of depression, so I understand what we're dealing with here. Personally, I wouldn't go back on Paroxetine knowing what I now know but it's also not the only AD to have a nasty withdrawal syndrome.