View Full Version : how long have your physical symptoms lasted

01-08-14, 21:13
Just wondered how long some of you have had your physical symptoms last for?
Ive had left arm pain and aching around my collarbones now for 3 weeks now its not constant aches but ive had them everyday for 3 weeks. In the last week neck pain in front has started.
Im struggling to get my head around this being anxiety when its lasted so long and i feel like the pains are causing my stress so im in a vicious circle!
Anyone elses pains last longer than few days?

01-08-14, 21:35

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03-08-14, 14:04
I have had symptoms last for weeks or even months until they change into something else.
I've had aches and pains though throughout my whole anxious/agorophobic period which is 5 years! Five years of neck ache -_-

03-08-14, 19:59
I have some symptoms every day, and have done for four years. Mine tend to build up for a week or two, then subside for a bit, until they build up again. I'm a trebling wreck right now, but I'm just waiting for it to pass. Fingers crossed, tomorrow will be better.

04-08-14, 11:37
I just cant cope with this its ruining my life... im constantly stressing over these physical symptoms which is probably why they wont go... im crying everyday. .. ive a small child to look after and its taking its toll on my family and work.
Its only been 3 weeks for me and i cant cope... dont know how people can deal with this for years its just the most awful thing.
Im so scared everyday about these pains 😢

07-08-14, 03:13
I know just what you mean, some days it is so hard to cope. I will leave you with this thought, so far your record for coping has been 100%, and that's pretty darn good :) hope you're feeling better

12-08-14, 21:06
My pains can last for weeks. At one point in time I thought I had a brain tumor, because my right eye would twitch constantly. Then my chest / shoulder hurt for a week or two. Thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Know what? It went away, and then I started having other pains/issues.

Your body tends to latch onto things that you would normally ignore, when you're anxious.

I have come to learn that my body does certain things. When I don't worry about it, they happen less often.

Hope you feel better.

13-08-14, 16:36
I have severe agitation/restlessness. I believe that the cause for it was coming off medication/changing medication in the past, though there may also be some residual anxiety in there too. Whatever it is, it's a horrible feeling...

01-09-14, 05:00
At current I'm experiencing 6 weeks of near constant perceived muscle weakness and hypersensitivity in both of my feet and my right hand, it's an incredibly unnerving sensation, almost feels like my feet and hand are separate from the rest of my body, though it definitely improves when I occupy myself with other things.