View Full Version : Trying so hard to get better.....

Victoria H
01-08-14, 22:53

I have been reading forums on and off since my depression started in January 2012, never really planning to write, however here I am.......

So it seemed like I woke up one morning back in 2012, and everything had changed, well I say everything but really what I mean is I had changed. I was so very, very sad all of the time. Sad probably doesn't describe the way I felt/feel but that's how it started.

To cut a very long story short........ after what feels like a million trips to my very supportive GP, lots of different anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications (along with various other meds for migraines/IBS), trips to the psychiatrist, counselling, 2x CBT and more changes in medication, quite a few ups and downs in life (saying that I have an extremely loving family, especially my husband whom I couldn't do this without), and visits from the crisis mental health team, I still feel like I'm drowning most of the time if that makes any sense?!

So I guess Im here the night before I embark on yet another medication, feeling more anxious than usual, scared, worried, agitated and so unsettled about all the what ifs/side affects and the ever BIG question will this one be the one? Will this finally work? Will it keep me well? I guess only time will tell, and it got me thinking maybe talking with people that are possibly going through something similar might just help??

Sorry for rambling in my very first ever forum but I just needed to do something..... xx

02-08-14, 13:08
Hi and :welcome: to the forum

Victoria H
02-08-14, 15:42
Thank you:-)