View Full Version : Going Mad!!!

20-12-06, 12:33
Hi all.

I feel like Im totally losing it.

Been taking Clomid to induce ovulation as Ive got polycystic ovaries. Since then, Ive had panic attacks. Been to 3 different GPs, up to the hospital in the middle of the night as I thought I was having a heart attack, they all say it is Anxiety!!!

I really feel like Im being fobbed off. Doctors say that its coincidence about the Clomid and panic attacks. I just want to know whats going on.

Just recently I keep on getting pains in my lower legs and feet and in my left arm. Im convinced Im going to have a stroke (my dad had one 3 years ago, so its a bit closer to me, if you know what I mean). Is this a normal sign of anxiety?

I had a ECG on Monday, everything is fine. My eyes go funny sometimes and everyones voices seem to be too loud sometimes, so now I think Ive got a brain tumour.

Doctor has prescribed Valium, but I cant take it as Im trying to get pregnant. I feel really helpless and just wondered if anyone knew if hormones could mess you up this much.

Thank you. I hope everyone is having a good day today.

Lizzie xx

20-12-06, 13:13
Hi Lizzie

I feel for you right now, I know how hard it can be when we suffer anxiey, pa's.

Ohh hun, what you are doing is called linking, you are linking your anxietty symptoms into parts of your life. We do this because we cannot explain symptoms, so we try, put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5.

Your symptoms you are having are all anxiety symptoms. I know you are finding it dame hard, but its true, anxiety can casue many many symptoms.

**just wondered if anyone knew if hormones could mess you up this much**

Anxiety can affect various systems of the body, one of which is the endocrine system. This system is responsible for balancing the glands, which secrete hormones in the body. Although these glands secrete the hormones needed by the body, they do not control the levels of these chemicals, this is done by the brain. Disturbed messages in the brain and nervous system can cause slight irregularities in the secretion of these chemicals. When anxiety levels return to normal so will the hormone levels.

**My eyes go funny and voice seem to be to loud,**

These are anxiety symptoms too.

When the flight, fight respomse kicks in our sense prepare for danger, are ears sharpem to hear danger coming and our pupils widen to let more light in to see danger.

I do feel that your doctors are right, But I know its dame hard to convince yourself when you have all these unxplained feeling going on.

Your body is on alert at the mo, I know its hard but try and relax, listen to cds, hot bathe, try using distraction to take your mind of things.

Hope this helps a little

You take care


Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as mush about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

20-12-06, 14:37
Hi Jill

Thanks for replying.

I know you are right, but even when I have a cold I think Im dying. All my family know Im crap at being ill.

My sister has made me an appointment with the GP tonight (4th time in 3 weeks!) and Im going to try and have it out with him. I really need to know whether these attacks are a side effect of my medication or not.

Sorry to be nosey, but what symptoms do you get?

Lizzie x

Stu M
20-12-06, 16:07
Hi Lizzie Im the same,

Got a cold, thats it Im a gonna. Cough, Im on my last legs. Skipped heartbeat, call the hospital now, Im on my way!!!

I try to laugh about it :D

It sometimes helps


20-12-06, 18:37
I read over the weekend that ovulation drugs can have nasty sideeffects, like the ones you are describing,. Was there nota leaflet with the pills, explaining possible side effects? Also, if you are having panic attacks as you sleep, you are probably very tense in your muscles, which would explain pains in your arms and legs. Have you tried the muscle relaxation techniques of alterately tensing as hard as you can and then relaxing muscles, one at a time, as you work your way up your body? It can be very useful at showing where we are carrying stress.

20-12-06, 19:38
hey lizzie

i totally know how you feel i get exactly the same symptoms as you the thinking im having a heart attack to the funny vision i have been to the doctors so many times and they just keep saying its anxiety which i know they are right as the symptoms come when im worked up but at the time i still think there is something wrong hopefully they will go for all of us as quick as they came try to stay positive xx

20-12-06, 21:25
Hi Lizzie :D

**All my family know Im crap at being ill.** is anyone good at being ill, but saying that, if I caought a cold a virus at the mo I would feel happy. well not happy as such, but happy because I know what it is and it will get better. I know this may sound strange to you, but I am so far down recovery, to when I started this site.

I came to this site suffering pa's, high anxiety, feeling scared 24/7.

**Sorry to be nosey, but what symptoms do you get**

Your not being nosey at all, please don't think that.

The symptoms I get at the mo, don't get them all the time,

Waking up feeling like I have an hangover, ohh boy, sooo tired. I have had this symptoms for as long as I can remember on and off, before my panics it used to last for hours, sometimes days, I know dame well its an anxiety symptoms, so now I clock my thoughts, tell myself it will not last, and it goes withins about 10 mins, I have had a few probs this year and still dealing with one,(relationship ) so this symptom may last a little longer, but hay, its not panic, so thats a great things, is'nt it.

Dizzy head, mm another anxiety symptoms, or was it [?] it has just gone now after lasting a over a week, again, Deffo, anxiety. I know why, my problem, its dame hard work when dealing with things, but again, I am pround of myself,

When I go out on social accations, I can feel sooooo unwell, working on that. I was doing sooo well till my relationship problem, Ohh well, back to working on things again.

I can have what I call low level chest pain, tention,

I suffer low self asteam and lack confidance, BUT hay, working on it.

I still have things to work on but its going to take time , I am changing a habit of a lifetime here. Day, by day, I feel better, its just my relationshop problem turned my life upside down, so it knocked me sideways a little, not backways, thats far to negative, just sideways.

I did have a hiccup this year going on my hols, but kept myself from hitting full blown panic.

My anxiety are at a low level and only come on now and again.

You are doing the right thing is asking your gp advice, let us know how you get on.

Let us know how you get on at doc's



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...