View Full Version : hey me again just looking for reassurance

little kyle
02-08-14, 02:31
My whole body feels as if it's numb and intrusive thought about harming are getting to me even tho I have not done anything the intrusive thought are there.

Really feel like losing the better

Thanks for reading people

02-08-14, 14:14
Remember they are just thoughts, and thoughts cannot hurt you. Take some deep breaths and try to focus on your breathing. If you feel like self harming, please call somebody.

02-08-14, 18:13
One of the hardest things I deal with is intrusive thoughts so I can completely relate to you. just stay positive and realize that your thoughts do not define you. They do not control you. They are just thoughts. The more you fight them and react to them the more they come back and scare you.
I know this is a weird request and seems really hard to do but what I've been doing is letting the thoughts be there. I'm not trying to block them out. It almost becomes less scary when you tell yourself it's okay to think the way you are.

Always remember you're in control!
Feel free to private message me if you ever wanna talk :)
Best of luck to you

03-08-14, 06:46
True.. You are in full control of yourself don't let your fear take advantage on you. I also feel the same way before but I just think of happy thoughts and I was able to conquer it. It is good if you can talk to anyone who also experienced this type of problem.

You Can do it.

