View Full Version : Neck Lump, Sore throat GIVE UP!!

02-08-14, 07:21
Hi guys,

I've posted here a lot now and my main worry for the past 6 months has been a lump in my neck it's as hard as bone quite pointy non movable and painless. I have now developed a sore throat so I'm really starting to worry the lump hasn't grown I don't think and it's about a cm maybe a bit less. I'm supposed tone going for an MRI that I was only given as a reassurance to me on the 22nd but I feel like if I go it's just going to reboot my anxiety all over again one thing that is strange is that whenever I don't touch the lump for a while or if go in the shower it feels a lot smaller don't know what to think please help!!!

02-08-14, 08:37
Hi MM22,

I went back through your posts since the beginning and you've had the same fears since you joined the site. Several medical professionals and tests have confirmed there's nothing physically wrong with you. Myself and others have answered offering encouragement and advice. Apparently, you've yet to act on it.

Where does that leave you? At this point the only option I see is the care of a mental health professional that can offer you help in dealing with your fears and obsession with lymph nodes and cancer. What can anyone say that hasn't been said? No one can make you take the steps you know you need to take. No one can't reach through the screen and drag you to there. Truth is, you have to do this if you want to break the cycle you're in. You're right, you're too young to be dealing with these issues. Perhaps it's time you buck up and do something about it. There's an awful lot of support on the site and I'm sure you'd have a cheering section behind you.

Positive thoughts