View Full Version : good news with my housing

02-08-14, 08:49
finaly getting somewhere with my housing aplication.when i first signed up and put my name down on the housing last year i was awarded 16 points..with that amount i was going nowhere.when i bid on a property i was number 60 in the queew.but yesterday my housing officer rang me and told me after reviewing my doctors letter and mental health letter from the mental health team,that they have now awarded me 50 extra points taking my total to 66.which meens when i bid now i stand a real chance of getting my own one bed flat.iv bid on three propertys and the say im 1st in the queew and one says 2nd.when monday comes if that hasnt changed.ill get a council flat.but if im unlucky i can bid each week and its only a matter of weeks and il be in my own flat..yaaa finaly some good news

02-08-14, 09:07
That's great news Greg. I'm sure a bit of stability in your life can only help. Good luck and I hope you get somewhere you like :)

02-08-14, 09:07
Sounds like really promising news! Good luck with the bidding and hope you get a property soon.

02-08-14, 09:16
Nice one :D

02-08-14, 11:14
Well done Hun u deserve it

02-08-14, 12:21
Great news Greg :yesyes:

02-08-14, 14:00
Good News greg:)

02-08-14, 15:37
yea very excited.this is the first step towards my indapendance and the begining of my life again.