View Full Version : orkut anxiety

20-12-06, 13:38
Why does some simple conversations in orkut cause so much anxiety in me. I fear my wedding plans might break because somebody might find out how stupid I am socially. I seem to be going to heights of social anxiety. I am handling my general and social anxiety with out medication by regular exercise etc.

But now wedding and new relations in life are new scnenario. I am worried about it. One wedding has already broken in my life and I know how it felt and may be that adds to my anxiety.

I am afraid of interacting with her friends. Her friends would come to realize that I am stupid and that would put her into embarrassment. And because of it the wedding might break is what my anxiety is making me think.

Is nt this clearly general+social anxiety... Should I consider meds just for the wedding. Its just < 2 months away, Please pray for me and bless me that everything goes well.


20-12-06, 15:24
Hey somebody tell me what I should do. I am worried I might screw up because of my anxiety. I want to be good for the wedding. Any advice will be great...


20-12-06, 16:26
Hun I don't know what okurt is. You seem also to be referring to a background that others on the board might know abut but I haven't a clue but I will be and am thinking of you and sending up prayers xxx

20-12-06, 20:40
Hi there

I don't know what orkut is either - can you explain more?

You will be fine on your wedding day as the exctitement will take over trust me.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

20-12-06, 20:56
I think Orkut is an online community?

I think you should consider a one off med for the wedding, lots of people do that with no problems (a diazepam maybe).
As requested, I've said a prayer for you xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

20-12-06, 22:23
heavymind, please try and look forward to your wedding day with hope and joy.

You are not stupid, that's just the anxiety talking and we all feel like that at times! You are unique, as everyone is, and you have just as much to offer as the next person. You seem to be holding up without meds but don't turn it down if it will help you through the important day. You are in my prayers.

Happiness to you

luv GG [:P]


PS: here is a link I found referring to 'orkut' http://searchenginewatch.com/showPage.html?page=3302741

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

21-12-06, 17:41
Thanks so much to you all. You donno how much that comforts me. Today I am doing wonderful. I hope, I keep this spirit for long..


24-12-06, 01:54
I just got married in the summer. I was feeling so anxious up to the wedding day. During my rehersal I just kept wondering how am I going to do this. I had to take rescue remedy and that calmed me. On the day of my wedding however I felt so happy and calm. It was like I was a different person. I guess I was so excited. I would have to say that my happiest and calmest day was my wedding day. I am sure you will feel the same way. I didn't want the day to end.
Take care,