View Full Version : omg please on my own and so scared

02-08-14, 15:49
About 3/4hr ago I was relaxing on bed feeling fine when suddenly I had the biggest fluttering palpitations in chest up to throat felt so panicky was over fairly quickly now I'm sure my chest inside and my throat feels tickly I had ecg last yr was ok but nearly took mysekf to a&e scared so much now just keep reliving it.help please

02-08-14, 16:18
Try and remember that they are harmless and we all get them but don't focus on them

02-08-14, 16:30
Thank you Nicola x

02-08-14, 16:44
Just keep distracted Julia and they will calm down

02-08-14, 21:17
Now having headrushes and feel off balance feeling so oanicky