View Full Version : Sore throat after dentist - worried

02-08-14, 16:18
Hi all, hope you feel ok today.
I posted on Thursday about my trip to the dentist - which went horrifically. I had to have a filling and I squirmed and panicked and kicked up such a fuss - the dentist wasn't impressed.

Anyhow. Lovely silver filling in later and im panicking again :(
It's now saturday and I seem to have picked up a horrid sore throat, feels sore to swallow.

I've googled (i know, i know) and read all sorts of horror stories. From mercury poisoning from the filling, to a sepsis infection where a girl died.

Has anyone else had a sore throat after a filling at the dentist? what could it be? I'm really freaking out. What if I caught something? Or I'm being poisoned. I'm terrified.

Best regards,
LJ xx :flowers:

02-08-14, 17:08
Hi, I really wouldn't worry, it will just be a regular sore throat! Drink plenty of liquids and take painkillers or suck throat lozenges. You will be fine and stop googling! Hugs x

02-08-14, 17:10
Thank you Susan! I hope so :) I hate when we get these things and it's coincidence. Mind always runs away. Thanks again and hugs to you too x