View Full Version : All wound up again

20-12-06, 13:47
PanickyPolly is living up to her name again unfortunately. I was doing so well...all excited about going to Glastonbury tomorrow morning and now I'm scared...I'm scared and I'm not as excited as I was. I'm determined to go but I'm afraid I might not enjoy it and I really want to enjoy it and for it to be a healing experience in that lovely spiritual place.

20-12-06, 14:02
Hi Panickypolly.

This is just a thought. Is it not possible that you are misunderstanding your feeling, that you do feel exieted but think its anxiety [?][?] this CAN happen sometime's. The feeling of exitement can be the same as the feeling of anxiety. Are minds are very powerfull, if we put the negative thoughts there Mrs anxiety jumps in more and says, ohhh yes, got her thinking now.

You cannot possible know how you are going to feel when you get there, thats impossible, this is Mrs anxiety talking, DON'T listen to here, Please.

I know its dame hard but just think of how well you are doing, focus more on this, ohhh boy, I do know that can be dame hard, but keep trying keep fighting, you WILL win in the end.

The fact you are determined to go tell me, your doing just great, Your not going to let this beat you.

Look more on what you have said, the healing experience in that lovely spiritual place.

Ohh I never been there, have you been before, whats it like, is there lots of people [?]

Use this thread to post lots of positives about going, it may help you.

Let us know how things go, oh I know you will have a great time.



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as mush about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

20-12-06, 14:08
It's possible I guess that I am getting the feelings mixed up but I don't think so in this case. I think, if I'm perfectly honest, I know what it is...I fell out with someone yesterday and it's left me with a nasty feeling even though we've made up. I often feel that the other person never thinks of you the same after you fall out. Plus I'm doubting myself and my instincts that going is the right thing to do and Im worried about leaving my flat unoccupied. Perhaps also I'm afraid of letting myself feel good? Haven't been before no so am hoping it is not too crowded but I feel terribly 'drawn' to it. I think some places with a history or other worldy/spiritual connection can do that.

20-12-06, 14:37
Hi Polly

If you have never been to Glastonbury before you are in for a real treat!!! It is a wonderful place and the people are so friendly, I try and get there a couple of times a year and never feel anxious when im there and always come away feeling revived.
There are wonderful shops selling all things hippy and witchy!!!

Hope you have a lovely time:D:D:D

Luv kaz x x x

20-12-06, 14:49
Great...are you witchily inclined Kazzie?

20-12-06, 15:06
Hi Polly

Yes I love all things witchy lol:D:D:D

People often comment that my house looks like a mini Glastonbury!!!

Luv kaz x x x

20-12-06, 15:29
Cool...I'm a Pagan/witch myself. Going to be celebrating Winter Solstice there.

20-12-06, 15:47
OOOhhhh lucky you Polly!!!!

Im not actually a witch but love all witchy things and I have some Glastonbury witches hanging in my window!!!

luv kaz x

20-12-06, 17:04
Might have to get some witches to hang up too. not real ones of course! Thanks guy...am feeling better now. Bit nervous about the journey but that's only to be expected I guess. Am quite excited again. Have a happy Yule and blessings for the future x

20-12-06, 17:41
Hi again Polly

Hope you have a great time!!!:D

Be sure to explore all the back alleys cos thats where the good shops often lurk!!!

And if you want witches and all things witchy go to the shop called witchcraft and starchild sell spell ingredients:D

Let us know how it goes!!!!! luv kaz x x x

20-12-06, 20:50
Hi Polly

Haven't spoken to you before as I'm new. This is such an amazing site!!

I love that you wrote that you are determined to got o Glastonbury. SO in effect you are saying that you are in control of things and you totally are.

Glastonbury is wonderful and you will love your time there I have no doubt. My feeling is this..even if you were only going there to sit in a coffee shop, the healing has begun..because you are taking charge of your life and making the decision to go.

SO regardless of the wonderful Shamanic Healing, just the fact that you go there at all is I think a very positive and uplifting thing.

Good for you!!