View Full Version : does this warrant a trip to a&e or not?

02-08-14, 21:02
im actually asking on behalf of my mother. shes the complete opposite of me she never worries about her health and always avoids going to the dr.
well a few days ago she fell and hurt her knee pretty bad. She'd already been having pain in her veins in that knee, and over the next few days the pain in and behind her kneecap has significantly worsened. There is some swelling too.
She saw her gp saying it was probably just a sprain but she feels like she might have torn a ligament or broken something.

she cant walk or sleep and i hate seeing her in so much pain.
Do you think it would be acceptable to take her up to a&e? She doesnt want to but she has tears in her eyes from pain and can hardly walk. I was considering the out of hours doctor but i know they will just prod at it and send her away.
She thinks the a&e doc will brush er off as a time waster but i dont think so.
Im worried abour her. I really think she needs an x ray or an ultrasound and our gp will take over a week to get her one. Or at least she could do with some much stronger painkillers. She hasnt slept a wink in 3 days and ibuprofen is doing nothing.

02-08-14, 21:12
Do you have a drop in center anywhere near you live?:)

02-08-14, 22:20
I think if she is in a lot of pain I would take her to A&E.

02-08-14, 22:35
I would take her if she is in that much pain and the only thing that can tell her if something is broken or torn is an xray or scan ,and im sure they wont think she is a time waster if they are in anyway off with you complain but I
really dont think they will health comes first xx

hope your mum gets better soon xx

04-08-14, 20:13
Yes I would take her even if they brush her off least she will know if she has fractured something she will never know otherwise x