View Full Version : The Ebola Effect

02-08-14, 22:44
Hi, everyone. I'm finding myself becoming ever more filled with terror every time I see something regarding the Ebola virus. I am a logical person (at times) and can understand just how extremely unlikely it is for myself to be infected. Yet, nevertheless I find myself slipping into panic attacks regarding the isue, visualising my son also suffering an horrific end due to the virus. It doesn't help that I am also ill at the moment as well. I feel like I'm going to rapidly lose a grip on reality & be stuck in this mental state for ever. I want to be able to live without fear so that I can enjoy quality time with my little boy. I'm asking if anyone has any tips to deal with this kind of fear. I explained my concerns to my GP the other day and he gave me a web address and said that I should purchase some book. I panic about going to sleep because I fear that I may not wake-up. It's driving me crazy; I'm becoming an emotional wreck. Thanks.

02-08-14, 23:21
Honestly, Woodward, there is absolutely no point worrying about this virus. Really there is not.
I haven't listened to more than 1 news report. I am vaguely aware of what's going on but cannot (& will not) terrorise myself thinking about it. I have kerned the hard way that it is not helpful at all to do this to yourself.

I relate to why you might find the reports scary but there are times when we all need to be realistic. If I were about to take a holiday or business trip in the vicinity of the outbreak of course I'd be worried. but in In realistic terms this virus does not threaten us here in the uk.

My advice is to focus away from this virus.
Any time you find yourself dwelling on it (or other unproductive things especially when you are looking at the worst case scenarios such as you describe and letting your thoughts run riot) Busy yourself with something else.

Remind yourself that spending time dwelling is not worthwhile, there will never be a constructive outcome from these activities..

tell yourself to STOP.
No need to shout STOP at the top of your voice,
but imagine that is what you are doing, be firm.

Rather than fear the worst, and allow your thoughts to bounce from one worse case scenario to another....ground yourself in the present.

perhaps engage in activity such as something relating to the more fun side of family life, such as The joy that your son brings to you.
Take action.
As I say, do something. It might be to go and clean some dishes.
Or put some music on to distract yourself.

Remember that no amount of turning this stuff over in your mind is going to help you.

Instead as I say focus on where you are now & busy your body and mind with simple and positive things.

02-08-14, 23:30
We have another post about this:


03-08-14, 01:19
Honestly, Woodward, there is absolutely no point worrying about this virus. Really there is not.
I haven't listened to more than 1 news report. I am vaguely aware of what's going on but cannot (& will not) terrorise myself thinking about it. I have kerned the hard way that it is not helpful at all to do this to yourself.

I relate to why you might find the reports scary but there are times when we all need to be realistic. If I were about to take a holiday or business trip in the vicinity of the outbreak of course I'd be worried. but in In realistic terms this virus does not threaten us here in the uk.

My advice is to focus away from this virus.
Any time you find yourself dwelling on it (or other unproductive things especially when you are looking at the worst case scenarios such as you describe and letting your thoughts run riot) Busy yourself with something else.

Remind yourself that spending time dwelling is not worthwhile, there will never be a constructive outcome from these activities..

tell yourself to STOP.
No need to shout STOP at the top of your voice,
but imagine that is what you are doing, be firm.

Rather than fear the worst, and allow your thoughts to bounce from one worse case scenario to another....ground yourself in the present.

perhaps engage in activity such as something relating to the more fun side of family life, such as The joy that your son brings to you.
Take action.
As I say, do something. It might be to go and clean some dishes.
Or put some music on to distract yourself.

Remember that no amount of turning this stuff over in your mind is going to help you.

Instead as I say focus on where you are now & busy your body and mind with simple and positive things.

You are right, I do need to try and keep my focus off of the news. It sells fear & its people like myself and many others that become their biggest consumers. It is a shame I react so badly to these kind of situations, because I have a genuine and keen interest in how viruses work and spread and find it fascinating.
I am going to give myself a ban from the news for the next couple of weeks.
Thank you very much for the advice, it's really appreciated and it has been incredibly helpful.

03-08-14, 11:05
I'm glad inwas able to help, Woodward.

I don't usually watch the news by habit & find it better that way. For me it would add fuel to the fire. So, rather than constantly worry (about things I am powerless to change) instead I watch the news only when something is happening that perhaps I do want or need to hear or see (if that makes sense).

Its recognising early enough that you "are doing it again".

Nip it in the bud.

Don't go there, it just is not worth it.

Actually considering you mention that the way viruses work is of interest to you, i am thinking it isnt the virus tht bothers you here.
Going back to your earlier post, you mentioned your worries about things happening to your son.
I am not an expert but it strikes me your mind is racing off with fears about the future and then current issues are mingling with them.
Having a self-help book sounds like a good idea.
What was the book your GP recommended?

03-08-14, 11:11
It just fear mongering like always

03-08-14, 14:13
When this whole topic was mentioned, I told myself that I wasn't going to pay it any attention whatsoever. I didn't want to know symptoms or anything, for fear my mind would take over and I would make myself sick.

But, I did see one news story where the doctor was actually very informative and he honestly put my mind completely at ease. Apparently the virus is spread through direct contact of fluids - not through the air - and only by people who are very symptomatic. So there's no chance of someone coughing and then you walking through the room and catching it that way. And anyone who is infected would know they were infected, so seeing as you are in a developed country, they wouldn't be out and walking around anyhow - they would be isolated. Therefore as long as you don't personally travel to those countries in Africa, you're safe.

The reason it has gotten so out of hand in those countries is because people are getting sick and refusing to be isolated, so they are staying at home and infecting those around them. I'd bet there isn't a lot of information available to them on how to prevent getting infected, and once a family member becomes sick, it's hard to refuse to come into contact with them because obviously they want to care for them.

03-08-14, 17:25
The reason it has gotten so out of hand in those countries

Out of hand? 250 million people in West Africa, 1300 affected.

1300 / 250,000,000 = .0000052% Not even out of a pinky finger!

How's that for perspective? ;)

Positive thoughts

03-08-14, 22:20
Actually considering you mention that the way viruses work is of interest to you, i am thinking it isnt the virus tht bothers you here.
Going back to your earlier post, you mentioned your worries about things happening to your son.
I am not an expert but it strikes me your mind is racing off with fears about the future and then current issues are mingling with them.
Having a self-help book sounds like a good idea.
What was the book your GP recommended?

Thanks once again :) and I think you're right. Most of the time that I suffer with panic attacks it's usually followed by a long period of severe depression, feeling disconnected and alien to everything. I'm having a bad night. The central thought is the future, I'm terrified of going to sleep for fear that I wont wake up. I forgot what the name of the book was it was something along the lines of How To Deal With Anxiety, I can't order it till payday any way. My biggest fear is that these periods of depression, fear and anxiety will make me extremely unwell beyond return. Thank hyou once again for you reply it is really appreciated :)

---------- Post added at 22:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:11 ----------

When this whole topic was mentioned, I told myself that I wasn't going to pay it any attention whatsoever. I didn't want to know symptoms or anything, for fear my mind would take over and I would make myself sick.

But, I did see one news story where the doctor was actually very informative and he honestly put my mind completely at ease. Apparently the virus is spread through direct contact of fluids - not through the air - and only by people who are very symptomatic. So there's no chance of someone coughing and then you walking through the room and catching it that way. And anyone who is infected would know they were infected, so seeing as you are in a developed country, they wouldn't be out and walking around anyhow - they would be isolated. Therefore as long as you don't personally travel to those countries in Africa, you're safe.

The reason it has gotten so out of hand in those countries is because people are getting sick and refusing to be isolated, so they are staying at home and infecting those around them. I'd bet there isn't a lot of information available to them on how to prevent getting infected, and once a family member becomes sick, it's hard to refuse to come into contact with them because obviously they want to care for them.

That's it. I know in my heart of hearts it wont affect me personally, it really is a media creation all this fear. Saw a Daily Mail headline today that said "Ways To Avoid Ebola On Your Holiday". I didn't read it, I thought how pathetic. Although the information may be helpful, it's incredibly misleading to make people believe that they need to go to such lengths thus giving credibility to the believe that it is something to actually worry about.
Thank you :)

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:15 ----------

Out of hand? 250 million people in West Africa, 1300 affected.

1300 / 250,000,000 = .0000052% Not even out of a pinky finger!

How's that for perspective? ;)

Positive thoughts

When one looks at it like that then it has been blown out of proportion. I noticed how that it was in the news, but it never received any front page attention nor was there any speculation over it entering Europe or the US. As soon as those two American volunteer's became infected then it became front page news. Hopefully, they can try and create some stability in containing it in West Africa where they really need the support.