View Full Version : hi anybody want too help me with mirtazapine please.would really appreciate it

03-08-14, 01:27
hi i have been on mirtazapine for around a year and a half on and off but more on nowadays,i am curious too think there making me depressed and over thinking everything and i cant think straight or properly too.is it a good idea too just stop taking them? i really have a gut feeling its zispin that is doing this too me more or less 100%.im not suicidle i just need too sort this out i am 24 years old and shouldnt be on a tablet too make or keep me happy,my vision is blurred too which is making my eye sight bad aswel?thank you for your time

03-08-14, 17:59

I haven't taken mirt but I have a friend on here who was. She recently tapered off because she felt they were maybe responsible for her feeling rubbish.
She is writing a blog about it on the mirt forum on this site.



03-08-14, 18:29
I'm taking mirt,and overall,I would say that its been a positive experience, however, the best person to advise you is your doctor,as everyone reacts differently to these sort of meds
Good luck

04-08-14, 13:05
Ok Thank You For Your Time I Will Do just That

04-08-14, 15:22
I used to take mirt it was a horrible drug for me made me a horrible person I was sucidal all the time

05-08-14, 04:55
yeah it is,why are they givin people this drug it makes you like that?it got me through a rough patch of me thinkin negative but im thinkin much better now but these tablets are makin me numb,i feel lika zombie half d time..any way of stoppin them id love too right now but afraid of the withdrawls?cheers

06-08-14, 19:29
Hi, i was on mirtazapine for about 14 months and like you found them to be horrible, they did nothing for my anxiety in fact i think they made it worse, i gained weight, they left me lethargic, groggy and very heavy headed the next day.
My advice would be not to just stop taking them without consulting your Doctor, the withdrawals are quite bad even when trying to taper yourself.
I tried to just stop taking them and suffered horribly, i got very bad insomnia, my anxiety went through the roof , i was irritable and agitated and angry, eventually i had to go back on them and with my Doctor's help i gradually tapered of but it took me about 4 months to do so.
Speak to your Doctor, he will give you the best advice. :O)