View Full Version : MS fear

03-08-14, 03:00
My latest fear... MS.
I've been having subtle numbness on left arm for about a month. Gets worse when I rest my arm on the table or when I use the computer.

Then my left leg starts to feel more tired or very slight numbness compared to the right. My left knee cap is also always warmer than the right, there is slight discomfort there when I climb stairs.

To pile on the problems, my head has been a little dizzy or disoriented the past 3 days in the morning but gets better as the day progresses. This could have been anxiety triggered... I don't know but I'm very sure the arm and leg issues are not.

I do not have slurred speech nor vision issues, thankfully.

I've seen a GP who refers me to an "Hand & Arm Specialist". I thought I would have been referred to a neurologist or something. The specialist did a couple of physical tests, then send me for a neck x-ray and EMG test. The EMG test ruled out carpal tunnel... which would have been great if I had it, since it's a relatively easier condition to resolve. The neck x-ray however reveals that I have a small extra rib (he calls it C7 or something like that) just above my first rib. Though he didn't look very convinced, he guessed this is what's causing my arm issue. But when I ask about my leg, he said that it is unrelated, and insists that we tackle one issue at a time.

I was thinking ... what if they are related and the extra rib isn't the cause. Of course, I worry that I have MS instead. These what-if scenarios are driving me crazy. I haven't been myself lately and my family needs me back on my feet again. I'm thinking the only way to rule out MS is to ask for an MRI of the brain... but when I ask, the doctor encourages me to wait-and-see for 3 weeks before the next appointment to decide next step. In the meantime, he "prescribed" me some posture and neck exercises to do. 3 weeks!! I don't know if I can survive that long...

Sorry for the long story... hoping to get some insights from people here who shares similar experiences please.

03-08-14, 18:15
hey :D i had a lot of these types of symptoms when i panicked like mad it could just be anxiety I bet in three weeks time they will turn round and say you are perfectly healthy :) I am just telling you from my personal experience I got weird pains everywhere and some days i would focus so much on one area that the pain or ache got quite bad sometimes my feet went numb and i got fuzzy in my head and very dizzy i thought I had a brain tumour I look back now and laugh :) I hope this gives you some comfort xxx

03-08-14, 18:44
Have you read this sticky thread?


04-08-14, 06:24
Thanks for the replies. I just read the sticky thread. And hopefully it is just that.
I will come back to this thread to update you guys from time to time when I have more to share. :)