View Full Version : Reassurance please?

03-08-14, 03:25
Hey guys, I haven't been bad recently with health anxiety but recently well for only past two maybe three days since I have been back from holiday I keep going to the toilet a lot in the night like peeing so much and I mean like when I'm awake not waking me up to go to the toilet l mean like because it takes me a very long time to get to sleep I seem to be recently going to the toilet throughout that time often maybe 3/4 times in the time period of 10 to about 3 I ah when I finally usually drift off but it's just weird I don't have any other symptoms or anything unusual and I've always been very healthy my mum says it is anxiety because I have had a lot of that recently due to falling out with my friend and also my friend finding out that I have anxiety and depression so she keeps getting worried about me which makes me anxious and I tend to think more at night about this stuff so giving me anxiety I don't know wether the peeling is that or not but please someone reassure me?

03-08-14, 08:10
From the "Symptoms" Link.

Kidneys, urgency to urinate, frequent urination, sudden urge to go to the toilet

What you feel:

You have an urgent need to go to the toilet, even though you may have just gone. Starts decreasing urine output but initially wants to get rid of everything already waiting to be excreted. May need to visit the loo urgently.

What causes this:

High stress biology produces the need to eliminate. It does so because when the body prepares for action, it wants to eliminate all waste matter in order to make the body as well prepared for action as possible. Having all excess baggage removed, the individual will be at their peak readiness in order to 'fight or run' - the 'fight or flight' response, produced by the Emergency alarm.
This symptom is very common and often experienced by stage performers just before they are to perform. Unfortunately, for those who experience anxiety disorder, a high level of stress biology will produce this symptom, and as long as the stress biology is high, the symptom will be produced. That's just how the body was engineered.

Some remedies include ant-acids, diarrhoea medication, relaxation and deep breathing.