View Full Version : My left eye has became smaller than the right

03-08-14, 08:18
I often get a pain in left side of head and temple, neurologist said migraines.
It's an on and off thing, could be there a week then go for 3 month.

So I started getting the pain last week, and I have noticed my left eye feels a lot more tired than the right eye, also we have been away for a few days and on all of the photos of me,my left eye looks smalle and droops more than the right.
To look in a mirror , I can see a small difference in my eye size and my husband can see it too. I am freaking out :(

Can this all be migraine related.

Have tried to google but can't find anything.

04-08-14, 07:08
You are lucky one who find nothing after googling. I always found tumor or cancer after googling my symptoms.
Anyway cansult ur doctor about it.

04-08-14, 07:16
Do you have something called strabismus? I had surgery when I was very little to correct it, but I was told that I would have to get it recorrected again. It mainly occurs when I stare at a computer screen/phone for a long time. Anyways, what I'm getting at is that the eye will go upward/inward a little bit and make one eye look a little different than the other.

Hopefully that helps. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of what's causing your eye to do that! Positive thoughts and the best of luck, :)