View Full Version : For all those suffering concern over ebola

03-08-14, 12:02
Hi guys so I just thought I would share something I read about ebola.
This type of outbreak happens every year in Africa and is spread due to unsanitary conditions. (What does it say about our media that they only care when two americans are affected huh?) I also read an analogy that will help put it in perspective. If you put a person with the flu on a long haul flight by the end of the flight you would have a very sick plane. If you put someone with ebola on a plane by the end of the long haul flight you would still just have one very ill person. Ebola is not spread like the flu it is only spread through discharge of bodily fluids so please do not worry! Please don't let the media scare you!
Also here is the article give it a read! http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/ebola-outbreak-here-be-dragons-027

05-08-14, 14:43
Here's a good article I read recently http://m.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-risky-is-it-really/201408/ebola-we-need-vaccinate-ourselves-fear

05-08-14, 16:05
Three points to remember:

If you haven't been to one of the countries affected (Liberia, Sierra, Leone, Nigeria and Guinea) then you're fine.
If you have not been in contact with somebody with Ebola (which, in a developed country, is 0 - apart from the two Americans) then you're fine.
Developed countries cannot and will not allow the spread of Ebola, if anybody gets infected (which is very unlikely) there is enough resources and facilities to overcome this.

Media loves unusual stories and will profit from them, simple.