View Full Version : tiny round bruise on my arm

03-08-14, 17:39
I found a tiny round bruise on the inside of my arm no bigger that a toddlers fingernail and it is really stressing me out I keep thinking could it be meningitis or leukaemia I did the glass test and it didn't change colour so this has scared me shi**tless but I can't find any other on my body I just need to know if anyone else has had these because i can't stop panicking but I don't want to call the hospital again or bother any of my friends or family because they get angry with me now and it's very distressing

03-08-14, 18:01
I have bruises all over and they do not worry me. just a little knock can cause a bruise. You have probably just caught it on something.

03-08-14, 18:18
People get bruises all the time and don't remember how they got them. I've found wacking great big bruises on my legs and don't even remember hurting myself- that, and I'm awfully clumsy.

03-08-14, 18:23
I would feel a lot better if it was a sacking great big one but this one is tiny and thats why it is terrifying me its perfectly round and purple

03-08-14, 18:25
Have you been carrying a bag or something on your arm? I have done that and it has pinched my arm and caused a tiny bruise.

03-08-14, 18:27
no I carry a satchel that goes across the body but I suppose the more you say I could have caught it the more it makes sense i suppose it is an easy area to catch :)

03-08-14, 18:42
It is a place that is easy to just get a little nip which would result in a bruise. I wouldn't be worried about it.

03-08-14, 20:25
I got a ugly ass bruise from waxing my arm

03-08-14, 20:28
I am seriously freaking out about this to the point where i feel sick :(

03-08-14, 20:43
I have seen someone die of blood cancer.

Let me tell you something, the bruises? they are NOTHING like you explain, nothing at all.

They aren't tiny, they can be as big as the size of a fist, they were almost black, covered with red dents.

The kind of bruises associated with blood cancer is not your every day looking bruise.

As for meningitis, meningitis does not present like that at all.

03-08-14, 20:48
Thank you hypo I needed that

03-08-14, 20:51
I also saw him when he was just diagnosed and the bruises were awful even then. He was my ex, my children's father. His spread quickly unfortunately.

I have a bruise now which I don't know how it got there. In the past I would have freaked out, but with seeing what blood cancer bruises really look like I no longer worry.
By the time you presented with bruises with cancer you would be ill. The bruises are due to a low blood count and that would make you very ill.

It's just a harmless bruise :) please try to do something to take your mind of it now, you are fine, physically.

03-08-14, 20:54
thanks dude that has really helped especially with you being so factual :) I will probably sit and draw or something thanks for the help man !
I haven't freaked out for a long time so it's odd it's happening again !