View Full Version : Call for help! Health Anxiety!!

03-08-14, 18:27

I am new to this site but I'm hoping it can help me. I'm a 29-year-old man who suffers from constant worrying, panic, and living with a fear that every day is going to be my last . I have been suffering with this feeling for the past 10 years and I can't work out how it started it seems to be getting progressively worse. Over the years I have managed to convince myself of having the following health issues:

Brain tumour, skin cancer, heart failure, brain aneurysm, bowel cancer, among others.

I have managed to talk myself out of most of these diseases however to by far the most common in my everyday thinking. I have convinced myself at the moment that I have a brain tumour. I'm convinced I'm suffering from the following symptoms:

Pain behind my left eye
tingling sensation and twitching tongue
twitching eyelid
twitching muscles all over the body,
lack of concentration
Occasional speech problems
Ringing in ears
Out of body feeling, mainly at bed time

I think about these symptoms every hour of every day. It really is affecting my life in a negative way. I am a semiprofessional rugby player I keep myself fit and healthy going to the gym and rugby training at least 3 to 4 times per week.

In the past I was terrible for checking Internet daily for different symptoms and different diseases. I have managed to stop this however the temptation is always there to go to the Internet and look at different symptoms of different diseases that potentially could be critical.

I'm about to start a new family with my first child due to be born on 16 November. I want to try and control these thoughts and also help convince myself that there is nothing wrong and it could be more sinister problems such as sinus pressures, as I have got a constant blocked nose.

I have been to the GP about these issues on many occasions and always told that there is no need for further tests and I am ok.

Last year I have a private medical assessment which tested my bloods, heart, lung function, and any other Sheila wanted to discuss. They said I was perfectly fit and healthy and even had a lung age of 22 years old. Unfortunately this makes me feel better for about 10 minutes and then the mind starts playing tricks once again.

I'm asking people to please comment on here if they're feeling any of these symptoms or thought processes, please support me in trying to overcome this anxiety as it's ruining my life.

Many thanks


03-08-14, 18:31
I have just sent this to another person but i can promise you that those symptoms are most certainly stress and anxiety related anxiety causes all sorts of crazy symptoms I have had every single one of those symptoms you have mentioned and I have been t all the gps and had all the test and they came back fine :) I still worried after god knows I went back and had the tests done maybe 5 or 6 times but it still doesn't change how you feel and me telling you that those are symptoms of anxiety won't help but honestly if you type into google list of anxiety symptoms you will come across these :) x

03-08-14, 20:27
Thank you for that. It helps to know I'm not alone!

04-08-14, 15:40
You are soooo not alone! This truly is a sign of anxiety and panic disorder, I've had them myself. Hard to believe our minds can do this to our bodies, I know.

04-08-14, 16:03
I've been suffering with similar symptoms. The dizziness, lack of concentration and speech problems is recently getting me down at the minute too.
I really have to concentrate to even walk sometimes. I'ts scary. But yes, like others say it can all be related to anxiety. It's scary that our own minds can work against us.
I hope you find some comfort here!
Best regards,
LJ x

04-08-14, 21:29
Thank you all for your comments. It really does give me comfort! I was so scared I had a brain tumour I went to my opticians twice in 6 months. Both showed no issues like inter cranial pressure.

I am going to try reiki healing to see if this helps. Also I am trying daily Epsom salt baths also.

Thank you all again and any other suggestions would be welcomed!

I will keep you updated.


---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

Also does anyone ever get a sudden high pitch noise in one or both ears combined with dizziness? May only last 5-10 seconds. Feels strange!! Maybe another anxiety symptom or sinus issue??