View Full Version : travelling anxiety?

03-08-14, 20:18
Hi i'm new to the forum. I've had anxiety and panic attacks since i was 14 after an unsuccessful overdose (i'm 25 now). I don't have panic attacks now like i used to its more just constant anxiety especially about been away from home. I always think i might die or get ill and been an hour or so away from home makes me feel uneasy.

Things came to ahead a couple of months ago when i got to the airport to fly to canada. I've flown plenty of times before and been ok (because i've forced myself to fly) but this time i was working myself up for months about been out the country that i burst into tears and couldnt get on the plane! It's not a fear of flying, I won't travel in this country if i can avoid it. I used to have panic attacks in restaurants thinking i might be sick and knowing i have to sit there for several hours. I'm ok with this now, i sometimes feel anxious but not often.

I'm on 40mg of fluoxetine and it takes the edge off but i still feel anxious. I'm having cbt at the moment but don't feel much improvement. I've been reading other threads on the board and i'm interested to try something like Valium to see if it really will calm me down and allow me to travel.

I'm interested to know if anyone else has experience similar feelings?

03-08-14, 22:31
I really worry about travelling anywhere and wouldn't say I am 'scared' exactly, but just have this general feeling of dread and worry that sits on me for weeks and months before the trip - whether that be in this country or abroad - which culminates in me being physically ill (or at least feeling very ill).

It's a very common thing, so you are definitely not alone!

Sorry to hear that it stopped you heading to Canada though... Hope you are able to make some progress very soon :)

03-08-14, 22:52
thanks for your reply, good to know im not alone lol. does it stop you from travelling? i am the same where i am not scared as such it is like a feeling of something bad will happen and i'll never get home again. do you take any medication before travelling?

03-08-14, 23:11
It has stopped me from even arranging trips - even if they are only an hour or two away. I know in my head it is so silly, but I can't help but let it get the better of me at the moment :(

I was taking medication a while ago (for depression / anx in general) but I stopped as it was making me like a zombie every day. What about you?

03-08-14, 23:32
part of me wants to travel and the other doesnt. i am on fluoxetine and the dr said i could have valium with it. i know its irrational as well, i have flown to new zealand before and coped ok. once im on the plane i would probably be ok but its the packing and the journey to the aitport that makes me feel anxious. im gonna ask the dr for valium and see what effect it has. i just want to go on holiday and enjoy it

04-08-14, 18:17
Cancelled numerous trips lately due to A&D - if you look at my threads you will see what I have been through so you are not alone in this and I know how it can make you feel.

A few years back I was confident and travel savvy travelling across the USA feeling great, now I get panic attacks and anxiety going in to town.

04-08-14, 20:49
Thanks for everyones replies :) I had cbt today and tbh theres only so much talking i can do about my anxiety. it's easier said than done as i'm sure you all know to breathe calmly and let the anxiety go but when you know you'll be stuck in a plane for 9 hours it's not easy to calm down.

I feel like i've done enough talking and i keep repeating the same things. i guess the only way to face my fear is to book a holiday and go through with it. I'm going to see the Dr about going on Valium or something similar as i am on fluoxetine now but i feel i need something that will make me calm down quickly when my anxiety is at it's peak.

I've read through some of your previous posts Mat74 and i can fully relate to how your feeling. My anxiety seems to go through phases, sometimes i can barely leave the house, other times i want to get out of the house. It feels like theres literally a switch that turns my anxiety on.

06-08-14, 18:50
i'm seeing my dr on tues to see about having valium. ive only ever had anti-depressants for anxiety but not anything like valium. i dont have depression as such i just need something to make me relaxed when i go far from home. its ruining my life

06-08-14, 19:09
I feel the same everytime I travel abroad. I start anticipating all sorts of health-related sceneries months ahead of the actual trip. I usually fear sudden heart events, either in the plane and in the country/city I am traveling to, because my anxiety and panic symptoms are very centered on the heart and chest. Anyway, it didn't stop me completely from travel, but I've been noticing that I'm becoming more and more anxious when it comes to travel, and the farthest the place the more anxious I get. Maybe because I've already panicked abroad on a few occasions. The scariest episode was in Brooklyn, NYC. I started panicking out of the blue in the middle of the street and I wouldn't find a taxi to take me straight to the hotel. It was rush hour. Finally I did find one thanks to a lady that helped me - I was so confused I barely could think straight. Thankfully I was able to regain control of myself in the hotel. Unfortunately I think I won't ever be able to travel a place with a very underdeveloped health system though, my health anxiety won't let me go.

expecto patronum
06-08-14, 20:04
It's not irrational, you've panicked in similar situations, so it's natural to fear feeling like that again. I have a similar issue with going on holiday, and it's become something of a vicious cycle. Have you read any Claire Weekes books? I thought of her advice when I read that you 'forced' yourself to get on the plane, it makes me think of her method of 'floating' rather than forcing yourself to do the things you fear.

06-08-14, 20:23
Could someone else help me,I have cancelled loads of days out to the coast due to panick feelings thatnhurts are beyond me, I have been so exhausted every day and I know the mornings are terrible it takes me hours to get ready and in the evenings I am so tired, al my blood tests have come back normal, so my doctor, doesn't know what else to do about me, I have been invited out tomorrow , but I have had to go back home , while I am in the passenger seat, and spoil my grand hil dreams day out,. I have a claire weekes tape, about travelling which I will use, any advice will be appreciated. Thank you. Please excuse spelling.

07-08-14, 14:43
It's not irrational, you've panicked in similar situations, so it's natural to fear feeling like that again. I have a similar issue with going on holiday, and it's become something of a vicious cycle. Have you read any Claire Weekes books? I thought of her advice when I read that you 'forced' yourself to get on the plane, it makes me think of her method of 'floating' rather than forcing yourself to do the things you fear.

i havent heard of her i will look her up. are you able to go on holiday? anywhere i have to stay overnight makes me anxious. it always has but now i just cant do it

---------- Post added at 14:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

Could someone else help me,I have cancelled loads of days out to the coast due to panick feelings thatnhurts are beyond me, I have been so exhausted every day and I know the mornings are terrible it takes me hours to get ready and in the evenings I am so tired, al my blood tests have come back normal, so my doctor, doesn't know what else to do about me, I have been invited out tomorrow , but I have had to go back home , while I am in the passenger seat, and spoil my grand hil dreams day out,. I have a claire weekes tape, about travelling which I will use, any advice will be appreciated. Thank you. Please excuse spelling.

have u seen a dr?

---------- Post added at 14:43 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

I feel the same everytime I travel abroad. I start anticipating all sorts of health-related sceneries months ahead of the actual trip. I usually fear sudden heart events, either in the plane and in the country/city I am traveling to, because my anxiety and panic symptoms are very centered on the heart and chest. Anyway, it didn't stop me completely from travel, but I've been noticing that I'm becoming more and more anxious when it comes to travel, and the farthest the place the more anxious I get. Maybe because I've already panicked abroad on a few occasions. The scariest episode was in Brooklyn, NYC. I started panicking out of the blue in the middle of the street and I wouldn't find a taxi to take me straight to the hotel. It was rush hour. Finally I did find one thanks to a lady that helped me - I was so confused I barely could think straight. Thankfully I was able to regain control of myself in the hotel. Unfortunately I think I won't ever be able to travel a place with a very underdeveloped health system though, my health anxiety won't let me go.

i feel exactly the same. i have been to ny too and my panic kicked in on the way home weirdly. do you take anything when you fly?

expecto patronum
07-08-14, 16:56
Hi, yes I'd definitely recommend Claire Weekes, I think there's even an audio version that you could listen to on the plane. I can go on holiday but I've been feeling quite down recently so I'm now worrying about going on holiday on my own at the end of August.

---------- Post added at 16:56 ---------- Previous post was at 16:50 ----------

One of the things that Claire Weekes gets across very well, is that it's not irrational to fear having intense anxiety, as it's a very unpleasant feeling and it's natural to remember all the previous times when you are next in the same situation, so she helps you to not beat yourself up, but then shows you how to accept the fear for what it is and carry on with the thing you wanted to do. I've just started re-reading her books, which is helping get me back on track :)

08-08-14, 16:10
i feel exactly the same. i have been to ny too and my panic kicked in on the way home weirdly. do you take anything when you fly?

I usually take a benzodiazepine like Xanax, Valium... But interestingly once on board I usually don't get too anxious (except when the plane takes off and lands - must be the benzo effect). It starts months before the trip and escalates when I'm at the airport waiting to board and it usually only happens in the outbound flight (from home to another country). Must be the thought of being about to get away from my "safe place". When I finally get to the place I usually feel very anxious and panicky during the first days as well.

08-08-14, 16:50
I usually take a benzodiazepine like Xanax, Valium... But interestingly once on board I usually don't get too anxious (except when the plane takes off and lands - must be the benzo effect). It starts months before the trip and escalates when I'm at the airport waiting to board and it usually only happens in the outbound flight (from home to another country). Must be the thought of being about to get away from my "safe place". When I finally get to the place I usually feel very anxious and panicky during the first days as well.

do you feel the tablets calm you down alot? im on prozac day to day. i feel the same about been away from my safe place

08-08-14, 21:53
do you feel the tablets calm you down alot? im on prozac day to day. i feel the same about been away from my safe place

Yes, but I often need more than one to calm me down. Usually I have to take two to feel a calming effect. In extreme cases three (not in a row, I usually wait a bit to see if the previous pill calms me down). But they take time to act on me and sometimes the anxiety is so unbearable that I have to take another pill to speed up the process by increasing the dose. Last time I traveled I had to resume Prozac (which I had quit) two weeks before departure and to take a benzodiazepine in the morning and another one before going to bed. In the first two days at the destination I've had to take some extra pills in SOS because I was very anxious thinking that I was going to have a serious health issue and die without proper medical assistance.

10-08-14, 22:15
I'm so scared of even booking anything now, i'm supposed to be going to the USA in december and part of me really wants to go. I'm seeing the Dr on tuesday about having valium i need to know how it affects me. I really hope it calms me down.

10-08-14, 22:33
I would love to take my kids away somewhere hot but the thought of getting on a plane sends me into a panic , I struggle with anything to far from home but reading your stories that I can get medication from the doctor gives me a bit ov hope that maybe someday I can �� x

10-08-14, 22:42
I would love to take my kids away somewhere hot but the thought of getting on a plane sends me into a panic , I struggle with anything to far from home but reading your stories that I can get medication from the doctor gives me a bit ov hope that maybe someday I can �� x

Hi Leanne i would def go to the dr. I never thought prozac would help my breathing (i've found it hard to take a deep breath for years and realised it was anxiety) now the problems vanished nearly. It feels like all my anxiety has gone onto travelling now. I'm worried about feeling ill or sick and been so far from home. I used to have it very bad with eating out, i literally felt sick and had to leave. I've had cbt and it's helped me a bit in thinking i'll be travelling with my Dad so he'll be there to help. I think my fear of death is what makes me so anxious. I always feel tense lately like my muscles literally hurt and i've had trouble sleeping. I really hope the dr will give me something like valium, i just need to relax and not worry!

10-08-14, 23:09
I'm on fluxotine and propanadol but feel like I would need something much stronger to get me on a plane and I use to be like that with eating out but I must say I'm getting better now I still like to sit near the door wherever I go tho. X

11-08-14, 10:33
I'm on fluxotine and propanadol but feel like I would need something much stronger to get me on a plane and I use to be like that with eating out but I must say I'm getting better now I still like to sit near the door wherever I go tho. X

have you ever flown? i would def go c dr. i put it off for yrs thinking nothing would help. ive heard gd things about valium so i hope it helps.

11-08-14, 13:55
I use to go on holiday every year when I was younger last time I was on a plane was about 15 years ago , let me know how u get on x

13-08-14, 23:36
I used to be like this but I found ways to overcome these feelings. I sat myself down and had a good think about why I was feeling this way. Everytime I'd leave the house, I'd feel physically sick and get panic attacks, especially in big crowds or very public places. What I realised was, it's because everytime I went out, I was leaving my comfort zone. As soon as my foot stepped out the door, I got all sweaty and panic stricken. So, what I did was I always took with me a small part of my comfort zone. For example, a friend or family member or a book/ipod. Literally anything that usually relaxes you and makes you feel more at home. For travelling, it could be something like a pillow or a laptop full of your favourite movies and tv series etc. Anyway, what I realised was that this feeling wasn't forever. I'd tell myself that I'd go somewhere or travel somewhere and then I'd be right back to my safe haven and that I didn't have to worry when I was gone because it would still be here when I got back. My best advice to you is to talk to a family member or friend about your worries and get everything off your chest. Then, when you next go to get on a plane or go travelling somewhere, be sure to surround yourself with things that make you feel more comfortable and safe and just remind yourself that it's only temporary. We have to face our fears and put ourselves out of our comfort zones so we can get things done! Otherwise, we end up feeling more miserable. Just remember, you're not alone in this one! :)

14-08-14, 00:00
Hi, I know exactly how you feel! I get terrified going away from home my main fear being that something awful will happen to me and there won't be a hospital nearby , I prefer staying at home as I know where the hospital is and the doctors incase I did get ill, have you found anything that helps ease the anxiety? Hope you feel better very soon xx

14-08-14, 20:29
I'm putting off booking a trip to Australia because I'm terrified of having a panic attack on the plane and being stuck on a plane for 24 hours without being able to get out and go home.

Would sertraline 'fix' this or would people recommend something like benzodiazepan for a one off?

14-08-14, 22:39
Hi, I know exactly how you feel! I get terrified going away from home my main fear being that something awful will happen to me and there won't be a hospital nearby , I prefer staying at home as I know where the hospital is and the doctors incase I did get ill, have you found anything that helps ease the anxiety? Hope you feel better very soon xx

i actually live 5 mins away from a hospital and i always think when i travel i dont want to be in a hospital and die away from home irrational i know lol. i think alot of it stems from my attempted suicide and my mom dying when i was 16. ive been going for cbt and its helped me realise even if something happened there would be a hospital and the medical treatment would probably be better than at home. im on prozac day to day and its helped take the edge off. the dr gave me valium a couple of days ago only 2mg its just made me tired but not much more relaxed. i think i need a higher dose. ive flown many times before and always been anxious but never to this extent. the cbt helped me think if i dont go on holiday id just b sitting at home bored. i hope you feel better soon too

14-08-14, 22:45
I'm putting off booking a trip to Australia because I'm terrified of having a panic attack on the plane and being stuck on a plane for 24 hours without being able to get out and go home.

Would sertraline 'fix' this or would people recommend something like benzodiazepan for a one off?

i flew to nz 9 yrs ago and even tho i was anxious i think once i was on the plane i couldnt get off anyway. i think the build up to the flight is worse the anticipation and waiting around etc. i would def c the dr and they can give you something to feel more relaxed and go to sleep. justremember you will be coming home and if anything happens u can fly back home xx

---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

I used to be like this but I found ways to overcome these feelings. I sat myself down and had a good think about why I was feeling this way. Everytime I'd leave the house, I'd feel physically sick and get panic attacks, especially in big crowds or very public places. What I realised was, it's because everytime I went out, I was leaving my comfort zone. As soon as my foot stepped out the door, I got all sweaty and panic stricken. So, what I did was I always took with me a small part of my comfort zone. For example, a friend or family member or a book/ipod. Literally anything that usually relaxes you and makes you feel more at home. For travelling, it could be something like a pillow or a laptop full of your favourite movies and tv series etc. Anyway, what I realised was that this feeling wasn't forever. I'd tell myself that I'd go somewhere or travel somewhere and then I'd be right back to my safe haven and that I didn't have to worry when I was gone because it would still be here when I got back. My best advice to you is to talk to a family member or friend about your worries and get everything off your chest. Then, when you next go to get on a plane or go travelling somewhere, be sure to surround yourself with things that make you feel more comfortable and safe and just remind yourself that it's only temporary. We have to face our fears and put ourselves out of our comfort zones so we can get things done! Otherwise, we end up feeling more miserable. Just remember, you're not alone in this one! :)

thank you so much for your advice. im so scared of the same thing happening again where i get to the airport feel sick and have that fight or flight response. i think its something i will always have i just need to cope better. i used to feel like the only person who felt this way and joining this forum has really helped :)

14-08-14, 23:08
No worries! The more you put yourself out there, the easier it will get! You may have to face a couple panic attacks at first and even though they feel awful, they won't kill you and they won't last forever. Just ride it out and pat yourself on the back afterwards for facing your fears of travelling and gaining back control!! We're only human after all so don't fixate on it afterwards and sooner or later, the attacks will start to go away. I used to get really bad panic attacks on planes. I'd cry and shake, I'd struggle to breathe, I'd sweat like mad and my vision would go blurry but I'm glad I kept getting on them planes and kept making myself sit through them because now, I don't get them anymore! :)