View Full Version : constant fear of death

04-08-14, 09:46
hi there

well I don't know where to begin. well I am 18 year old female who has lost my family and all my friends due to this anxiety disorder I have. it all started during my final exams at school, this is were I had my first anxiety attack, out of the blue. I had no energy, I couldn't even get out of bed, I remember sitting down at my desk and starting to write my exam and I couldn't write my name because I had no energy and was shaking to much. I must of fell asleep because I don't remember much after that. it happened everyday, I couldn't cope with the exams, and I just fell to the ground and at that moment I was rushed to hospital where I was diagnosed with acute anxiety. I had the constant fear that something was wrong with me and that I was going to die! I couldn't finish school and had to move and find work, a few moths later this anxiety just got worse and I suffered from more symptoms such as faintness, my left arm and left side of my face was numb, I would feel distant from my body, that I wasn't there. I would have sever chest pains and kept thinking I was having a heart attack. I was rushed to hospital numerous of times and it was just anxiety. I was also involved in a gang shooting were the gang dragged me out my car and made me watch them shoot everyone around me and left me with the sight. I lost my ex boyfriend due to a heart attack from the age of 17, I also lost a great friend in a car accident, a friend who died of cancer and a family friend who died on the operating table and my dog:weep: all happened in 2weeks! I was in a bad anxiety attack because I had constant fear of dying, if I coughed I thought I was dying, I couldn't do anything or feel anything without thinking im dying. I was in hospital for anxiety for 3weeks and on medication for life, my family left me cause they thought I was looking for attention. my friend's thought I was crazy and I am left with the support from my boyfriend only. he is my life saviour and my best friend, and even though I suffer from this anxiety attacks and have sleepless night because I fear im about to die in my sleep, he will still hold me and stay up with me every night. I cannot go back to my old self and cannot work until I start recovering, its been a year and iv only gone worse, will this disease ever pass? am I stuck fighting this every single day of my life? all alone with no support? is there any one out there that can relate to this? please, if feel so alone in this.:weep:

04-08-14, 11:59
Hello and welcome to the site :welcome:

There are a lot of friendly and caring people here who know exactly what you are going through. I hope you can find some comfort here :)

19-08-14, 08:19
I have no idea how this chatroom works. but I have no one to connect with. everything was going good. I stoped having attacks, I got work and the yesterday was another big bang! I fell very sick and was told I couldn't have children any longer. I then took the day off work because I was so upset and then later on I was told that im being fired because stupid roumors are going around at work saying that I don't need the money and so on. I have never said that,of course I need the money!i then phoned my dad in tears and all he did was shit me out about anxiety, he said I am so weak and I just want attention and that all I do is go out with friends!he said I went to PE to go party, in the meanwhile I went to see my mom in hospital. but he thinks I went partying! I cant party, I cant be in a group without going into a fit! then last weekend I went to a school reunion and was having a nice time with them and he thinks all I did was get drunk and fool around. he said he never wants anything to do with me ever again and he took me off the hospital plan so that I cannot go see my councelor or anything anymore. I cant even get my medication anymore. now what do I do? here I am, being in such a panic because I owe R4000 rent! he wont help me, my mom is poorer than I am. im screwed. maybe I shouldn't even be here anymore. this is the 1st time I give up. it doesn't get better, just worse for me. so there is no point being on earth anymore. so confused about everything!

19-08-14, 13:38
Welcome hun, sending some hugs your way!
If you need someone to talk to or just a rant) send me a message :)
My biggest fear is also death, so i know how you feel!

Sorry things are not going well for you, seems everything has hit you at once. Things will get better in time though hun, take things one step at a time. It will become overwhelming if you try to tackle everything at the same time. Take some time out if you can and concentrate on yourself.


A x

19-08-14, 22:18
welcome to the forum.

Its a comforting place to throw all your tantrums. I used to feel the same way as you. But I realised it's not worth having expectations. we always have ourselves by our side and no one,doesn't matter how they are related to us, what relationship they have, how long they have been with us. Having an expectation from someone else never helps us. Thats what I have come to realise. However, you can have faith in yourself, have an expectation from yourself to be strong!!!

20-08-14, 02:03
One way I got over this was to accept that I was going to die. We all are. You have to accept it. It could be today, tomorrow or in 80 years. Instead of living in fear of dying, embrace the fact that one day you will die. Instead of running away from it, allow it to come in and accept it and live your life the way YOU want. I. That case if you do drop dead, you can be happy with the life you lived.

Do you think this has to do with all the death you have faced recently? You have been through some real shit and it all happened so fast. Have you dealt with the losses?

20-08-14, 07:17
boyer: I have not delt with the loss of my classmate, he was part of my family and no matter what I do, I cannot get him out my head. but this fear of death came before everyone started dying. I just woke up with it one morning, and no one can explain to me why I just woke up with it. thanks for the support, I have read threw a couple of stories and can relate to so many! its nice to know im not going threw this alone

27-09-14, 14:31
hi there

well I don't know where to begin. well I am 18 year old female who has lost my family and all my friends due to this anxiety disorder I have. it all started during my final exams at school, this is were I had my first anxiety attack, out of the blue. I had no energy, I couldn't even get out of bed, I remember sitting down at my desk and starting to write my exam and I couldn't write my name because I had no energy and was shaking to much. I must of fell asleep because I don't remember much after that. it happened everyday, I couldn't cope with the exams, and I just fell to the ground and at that moment I was rushed to hospital where I was diagnosed with acute anxiety. I had the constant fear that something was wrong with me and that I was going to die! I couldn't finish school and had to move and find work, a few moths later this anxiety just got worse and I suffered from more symptoms such as faintness, my left arm and left side of my face was numb, I would feel distant from my body, that I wasn't there. I would have sever chest pains and kept thinking I was having a heart attack. I was rushed to hospital numerous of times and it was just anxiety. I was also involved in a gang shooting were the gang dragged me out my car and made me watch them shoot everyone around me and left me with the sight. I lost my ex boyfriend due to a heart attack from the age of 17, I also lost a great friend in a car accident, a friend who died of cancer and a family friend who died on the operating table and my dog:weep: all happened in 2weeks! I was in a bad anxiety attack because I had constant fear of dying, if I coughed I thought I was dying, I couldn't do anything or feel anything without thinking im dying. I was in hospital for anxiety for 3weeks and on medication for life, my family left me cause they thought I was looking for attention. my friend's thought I was crazy and I am left with the support from my boyfriend only. he is my life saviour and my best friend, and even though I suffer from this anxiety attacks and have sleepless night because I fear im about to die in my sleep, he will still hold me and stay up with me every night. I cannot go back to my old self and cannot work until I start recovering, its been a year and iv only gone worse, will this disease ever pass? am I stuck fighting this every single day of my life? all alone with no support? is there any one out there that can relate to this? please, if feel so alone in this.:weep:

How the hell did your boyfriend have a heart attack at 17 YEARS OF AGE?!