View Full Version : scared

04-08-14, 15:16
Hi every1 I'm waiting to fl doctors tomorrow. I'm really worried I've suffered with panic attacks and anxiety about four years ago but now I've got them back I've alsorts symtoms but this time.I've got family now and I relli can't cope I had this bad feeling over me I'm going to crazy and mad its horrible thinking bad thoughts all time thinking wat o end up that bad trying kill my self even know I wudnt I'm trffied of dying and I've got beautiful son. I can't hardly sleep and I'm constantly thinking about it can't wait go doctors just need some support before I go its horrible I'm trying think positive but the negative over riding it :((( I hope I get better :((( I need to

04-08-14, 15:32
Relax. It'll be fine. Don't drink anymore though.

Have you taken any medication before ?

Don't worry about the doctors. Just tell him everything. They're not perfect but they hear symptoms like these a lot.

04-08-14, 15:40
No not going drink ever again I'm stopping my family note important just need all these bad thoughts out my head I've tried everything u ever Hurd any talking like I am ? I will get better won't I xx

04-08-14, 15:45
Hey huni!

You can relax I think these are called irrational thoughts... Something you despise instead of something you want to do x

04-08-14, 15:46
Can't understand your reply :]

Give it a check over for typo's before you hit the REPLY button.

Of course you're going to get better !

04-08-14, 16:02
Sorry I'm writing so quick I mean just think like wat if I try to hurt my self but I'm dying and my son means world to me I'm on citolpram been up last week or week before 2 40mg but not working just like gona go crazy have use hurd people like this and can get better don't want son to get took off me if I tell doctor everything, I'm trying to relax and my minds just going over and over xxxzz