View Full Version : Pain in head

04-08-14, 16:31
I'm having a small, silly panic about a pain in the left side of my head.
It's sort of a large area from my jaw up past my temple... I know its silly to be worrying about it, as it's probably just tense muscles or something of the sort but it's really getting to me. Its a sort of pulsating pain that's been there for around an hour now after I got a sharp pain in my eye socket.
I'm also feeling a little nauseous but that could quite easily be down to the fact that I'm panicking over the situation.
The chances of it being something more than a headache are slim right??? :unsure:

04-08-14, 19:01
Hi I'm getting same an worrying I'm going to die of brain annyeurism or something . It's like a heavy pressure also just rang my sister asked her to hurry hone as I'm quite scared . But hopefully it is just anxiety .

04-08-14, 21:52
Do you grind your teeth, either during the day or at night (when you might be less aware of it)?

I am terrible about grinding my teeth and I get these headaches all the time. If you clench your jaw, you can feel along your face and up your head and you can feel allllll the muscles that are being sprung into action. Teeth grinding causes these muscles to become tired and sore, plus there are blood vessels and nerves that become aggravated. It's not especially dangerous, just painful and really bad for your teeth.

Obviously, though, if you are really, really worried or the pain gets immensely worse, see a doctor. You may very well want to see one anyway because they can get to the source and eliminate the cause if it becomes more chronic (for example, they can give you a mouth guard to keep you from grinding your teeth).