View Full Version : Forced into facing fears :(

04-08-14, 17:20
today has been a horrible day and i feel so upset and alone! With it been the summer holidays obviously the kids need occupying but there is only so much i can do, i am so obsessed with my breathing and it scares me i hate going anywhere out my comfort zone like places i dont know, and motorways and deserted places type thing like proper out in the countryside, i fear this because i have panic attacks that i cant just escape from the situation and an ambulance would take longer to get to me etc, i automaticly get into a state... well today we had planned to go out and i am trying to take small steps in going out my comfort zone abit but my boyfriend got so angry with me that i wouldnt go further away and where he wanted so he got really angry and said i have no choice and said i am such a state and embarrassment to the kids and i belong in a ditch etc.. he was so horrible to me and said if i didnt shut up he would crash the car on purpose so i was in such a state and i felt so horrible and scared i couldnbt stop over breathing and then i felt dizzy and like i was choking and dying and he didnt care he drove places with no houses near by and all tree's everywhere i didnt know where i was, and then when we arrived at the place he expected me to be fine and said i will thank him for it.

I dont feel thankful and i feel scared to go out again i was doing slow stepd like i said but now i feel worse, does anyone else think he did the right thing in forcing me like this? As in the end the kids did get to go where they wanted but i feel so shaken up and like i have been through hell. Always think i am gonna die when im out :( x

04-08-14, 17:34
To be honest no. I'm sure he had good intentions but doing things like threatening to crash the car would scare the life out of someone who didn't have HA let alone someone who did.

It's very difficult because I think those closest to us want to just snap us out of it and my husband has very limited sympathy about my HA but I don't think he would ever do anything like that.

It sounds like what you have had done to you today was very traumatic and in the long run it probably won't do any good for your HA.

I think it is about small steps and I think you need to sit down and have a chat with your husband and explain that whilst you understand he is trying to help you, doing things like he did today won't help and it just intensifies your anxiety.

Are you seeing a GP about your fears as it sounds like you would benefit from some therapy and or Meds?

take care.