View Full Version : anybody else?

04-08-14, 18:29
Hi im gonna keep this short and snappy. Im a guy aged 19yo suffering from every side effect and symptom of panic disorder, anxiety, health anxiety and everything else related. it's ruining my life. Anybody willing to talk?

04-08-14, 18:33
Hi Ellisino
How are you doing?:)

04-08-14, 19:06
Hi. Im not too bad just looking to see if theres anybody who suffers from moderate/severe anxiety or something on the same page.

04-08-14, 20:07
I've had really severe anxiety, but its improved with the combo of meds I'm now on.
I ended up in a and e with it ,I thought I was losing it,but it was all to do with anxiety.
Its really hard,I know,but a lot can be done to help

04-08-14, 20:58
Oh ok glad to hear somethings sorted you out. :) any side effects caused by the meds? I got prescribed proprolol or something but I didnt explain to the doctor exactly what was going on so Ive got irrelevant meds so I havent taken any. What problems were you having with your anxiety?

04-08-14, 21:07
I was having lots of intrusive thoughts mainly,and was very depressed.
My doc sent me to a psychiatrist who upped the meds Id been on for ages,but weren't working anymore(venlafaxine),and added mirtazapine of a night.
Even then I was struggling, so I now take a small amount of Olanzapine,, which is actually an anti psychotic,but in small amounts is great for anxiety symptoms, and that did the trick.
I'm starting CBT this week after waiting ages for it,and I hope to start reducing the meds in the nor too distant future.
You have to really spell it out to your doc,so that you get the help you need,I've discovered that.
Are you going to see your GP again?

06-08-14, 00:08
I've never had any problems with anxiety up until the last year. Now its pretty bad, i hate leaving the house, walking past people,even getting my hair cut. I do make myself go the gym occasionally and walk to work (in a shop) which is unbearable because every time a customer comes into the shop my anxiety goes off again. I don't even understand how its come about but I've been on citalopram 10mg for 2 weeks then upped the dose to 20mg for another 2 weeks. Anxiety slightly went for a few days but seems to have come back alot worse and now i always feel depressed and have thoughts about suicide all the time which i didn't even have before i started the pills and generally just don't feel myself!. I'm thinking of maybe stopping the pills now because i know i will be a lot happier and just try and get rid of anxiety without medication.

06-08-14, 21:21
Good to hear first hand that meds are working fine for you april, is life as normal as it could be for you? Jol88 I know exactly what your going through cause im near indentical to you. If you didn't explain to your doctor properly what happens they just prescribe the common medication for anxiety and send you on your way. As for your suicidal thoughts in my opinion I would stop the meds and try other means but everybodys different. Im not taling meds just going to do things in life that make me happy. I used to go gym five days a week but now I haven't been for over a month. How is your social life?

07-08-14, 09:35
Don't really go out as much now, i would always be out. Started going the gym again now though. I find the thought of going the gym is always a lot worse than going. I always think it is going to be full of people and my anxiety will hit the roof but when i get there it's not actually that bad. It's not perfect but can deal with it. Staying in definitely doesn't help! I would definitely recommend the gym, i feel a lot better from going.

07-08-14, 23:56
You know what thats exactly the position im in at the moment. Is there any people at your gym who always want to chat to you and never seem to go away? Thats one of the reasons I cant get myself to go

08-08-14, 00:57
Hi sorry to hear your having a rough time at the min I'm on medication propanadol and fluxotine and I would love nothing better than locking myself away in my safe house but it doesn't work I push myself to do things that are outside my comfort zone and always feel much better when I've done it . Chin up and hugs x

10-08-14, 00:21
No not really, i put my earphones in and listen to music. That should work because you don't go to the gym to talk. I went to a gig thursday night and then town afterwards and drank a hell of a lot and still feel terrible now. Definitely won't be drinking again whilst on these pills. Have you never tried medication, i don't think mine will go without pills just need to find the right ones. My mates gf is on medication and she is absolutely fine! I want to try and get like that. I want the anxiety completely gone, don't want for it to stay a little bit and just be able to deal with it. The constant fight against it, having to make yourself do things is a pain!