View Full Version : soooooo low!!!!!!!!

20-12-06, 16:55
Hi Im on a downer today.Anxiety has been bad,stomach is so bloated and painfull.Brother is out on bail,he went to court today.was getting a train home at 1.30 which takes about 20 min.Got a call just now to say he was still at the train station at 4.30 and was very moody.(HE IS AN ALCOHOLIC).I know all the signs and the excuses.:(:(Hes already broke his bail conditions by being in the area that he was in.
He has now got to wait until february for the hearing.Christmas is looking bad already.last year me and my parent spent christmas at the drug and drink center visiting him,as he was in all over christmas a newyear.Then he has spent the last 7 months in prison on remand.Now my dad has kindley given him this house as a bail address so he could spend christmas with us,and this is how he thanks them.
we have had this for 20 years or more.
Im feeling so anxious and stressed,tearful because I know if theres no trouble today there will be soon.
Im sorry to go on,but apart from my partner I have no one to talk to.

Ellen XX

20-12-06, 17:01
sorry to hear Ellen.


20-12-06, 17:02
Hi Ellen

Sorry your feeling this way today, ive been feeling pretty low myself but im trying to pick myself up. Your saying that youve no one to turn to have you tried your friends or a local support group. I always find that a sympathetic and understanding ear helps relieve a little of the tension.

Hope my words help


20-12-06, 17:29
Hi Ellen

Sorry to hear that you are so low

I understand how you feel as i still have my alkie cousin on my case!!!

Take care

Luv kaz x x x

20-12-06, 17:36
Big hugs for you Ellen xxxxxxxx

Take Care


20-12-06, 17:47
Awww Ellen,
I'm sorry your feeling so low, you've gave me good advice before , so im sending you a big hug and hope you feel better soon XX


20-12-06, 17:58
Ellen you're lucky to have your partner to talk to. A lot of sufferers have no-one. Your brother is also very lucky to have you and in ways doesn't deserve you. I can understand where you're at though as if he can't rely on you, he may have no-one

Take care and make sure you let it out to your partner if he's prepared to listen.

Love Jo xx

20-12-06, 17:59
Hi Ellen

I am soo sorry to hear how you are feeling, wish I could find the right words to help you feel better.. You are stonger than you think Ellen, you can get through this, I know its hard but just take one day at a time.

(((((( HUGS ))))))



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as mush about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

20-12-06, 23:55
Thank you everyone,thanks for being there.

Ellen XX

21-12-06, 07:51
Sorry to hear you're going through this Ellen, and at this time of the year too. Families eh, who'd have em?


Take care
julie x

Whatever happens I'll handle it !

21-12-06, 08:05
((((((((Ellen)))))))) I'm sorry to hear you are struggling and having a low time, you have a lot of worries but remember you have your partner and all the support in the world here on the forum. Try to keep expressing those feelings and letting out how you feel, its a small but necessary release and your brother is very lucky to still have his families support. Try to keep rational that he has an illness therefore his selfishness isn't the same in his eyes as yours.
Anyway i'm rambling but you please take care and know we are all here for you.

Love Sax xx[8D]

21-12-06, 10:13
big hugs to you Ellen, try to keep smiling


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-12-06, 14:08
Hello Ellen and hugs. Hope the tummy is feeling a little better today and the anxiety dropping down.

I can't think of anything to say to help you but want you know we care and are here.

P.S. I might have already told you but my Osteopath told me to eat brown rice with chicken every lunch time ( eat what you want at night) to take down the bloating. It worked for me and I still return to this 'diet' when I bloat and feel uncomy. And it isn't that dull if you do honey and lemon chicken cos' the sause makes the rice all yummy.

21-12-06, 20:01
Hi Ellen, my tummy's playing up too though i don't have the stress you do!!! Take care Sweetie.


22-12-06, 17:43
hi ellen
sorry to hear your getting more aggro from your brother,hope things improve for you pet, youve said kind words to me in the past so im gladly repaying the compliment your a star ellen and you will allways shine
take care mick x

my life has been full of terrible events most of which have never happened!

22-12-06, 21:28
Hi Ellen
just wanted to say I am sorry you are having such a rotten time. I can empathise with the impact a family members alcoholism has on your family. It is c**p, I know. You are obviously a loving caring family though as you obviously spend so much time and energy looking out for him, that I am sure you feel isn't being appreciated.
One day hopefully your brother will begin to mend.
Please feel free to PM me if you feel the need to let off steam.