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View Full Version : My trip to the dentist

20-12-06, 17:07

I had a bit of a success yesterday, followed by a massive setback. Firstly, i had a dentist appointment and actually went and had 3 teeth taken out. Aside from the actual pain, i did really well with my anxiety and got the job done. Then, as soon as i got off the chair, i started to have a massive panic attack. It was the worst one i've ever had. I was forced to sit in the waiting room at the dentists whilst my girlfriend tried to calm me down. I was there for about 30 minutes and was really scared. Eventually, my dad came to help and i'd calmed down enough to go home in the car.

After a while, the actual dentist had come out to see me and he was almost shouting at me to stand up! he kept saying that there was nothing wrong with my legs - it was my teeth i'd had done! he even wanted to pick me up himself, until i insisted i continued to lean on my girlfriend. This guy knew i had severe anxiety and my dad told him i had agoraphobia (although, the guy said my agoraphobia shouldn't stop me from walking to the car!). He really wasn't getting it!

Anyway, as you can see i'm not at all happy with how that dentist treated me. That's how my trip went yesterday. I just thought i should share that with the group.


Merry Christmas


20-12-06, 17:19
Hi Gregor,

Ohh WELL DONE going the dentise, hay you did it, thats the most important thing.[^]:D

I am sorry to hear the way your dentist treated you, how horrible, but as we say, to understand what someone is going through, you have to go through it yourself. Just think of your dentist as a Plonker, he, knows nothing.

You did GREAT Gregor, be proud of yourself.



Fear is the darkroom
where negatives are developed.....

When you fear something,
learn as mush about it as you can.
Knowledge conqers fear...

20-12-06, 17:26
Hi Gregor
Sorry your dentist was such a prat. I work for a dental surgery and none of my dentists would of behaved like that. It should of been explained to you that the adrenalin in the injections can make you quite jittery so it might not just have been panic.
Well done for going and having the treatment done, some patients of mine can take up to six visits before they will sit in the chair, you were brilliant, don't let it put you off going, maybe try and find a more understanding one.
Well done


20-12-06, 17:48
Don't let one ignorant person, albeit a dentist, set you back. You're strong to have gone and had the work done in the first place.

Jo xx

20-12-06, 20:07
well done going to the dentist. its just a shame that you had a totally ignorant one who could have treated you alot better.

it only takes one ignoramus to set us back.

wishing u well

21-12-06, 01:13
Thank you for all your support.

I certainly won't be going back to him, but i will try to find a better one.

If the adrenalin in the injections can make you 'jittery', then that's definitely possibly one cause because he injected me 6 or 7 times all round my mouth!! I should imagine that would have a bad effect on me!

I'm trying to not let this get to me and just try to get on with my recovery.

