View Full Version : Another fear Tetanus. Really scared

Nighttime pacer
05-08-14, 00:25
Hi all
I'm so worried about this.
5 weeks ago at work my foot felt sore. I pulled down my sock and saw there was a bit of the top of some grass in it, a sort of dart bit. It had made the skin red but didn't bleed and didn't hurt much.
I then wiped it with an antibacterial and alcohol wipe.
Over the next couple of days it got sore so went to the out of hours docs and was prescribed some antibacterial cream.
It healed up after about a week.
The out of hours doctor told me to ring my GP to check I was up to date with my tetanus injections.
I forgot.
I'm now panicking as when I rang last week they said I was due a booster in 2008.
I saw a private GP and explained what had happened. I said I realised the bit of grass must have already been in the sock when I put it on as I hadn't been out in the garden. He said if it had been through the washing machine it must have washed off any probable bacteria.
He gave me a tetanus booster. I've since read this has to be given just after it had happened to do much good.
I also read on the nhs website that as long as you had all your shots as a child then you should be protected for life.
I checked with my mum and she said I definitely did have them and even got out the card with them all crossed on with the dates.
I also think I had a booster about 9 years ago when I stood on something in a friends garden.

In spite of all this I'm still really scared and also frustrated with myself for being so worried.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.
Am I going mad?
Nighttime Pacer

05-08-14, 01:46
You are absolutely fine, I promise you. First of all, the tetanus bacterium is usually only a concern in deep puncture wounds - what you describe does not sound like that type of injury at all. Secondly, if you had all your shots as a child and additionally had a booster after an injury nine years ago you are definitely protected - more than likely for life. Boosters if they are given regularly are no more than every ten years anyway, so you are within that window and have nothing to worry about. Best wishes from Annie