View Full Version : should I increase to 20 mg?

05-08-14, 06:40
I am taking Citalopram for the second time after only being off the medication for four months. Today I decided to start with 10 mg because my anxiety started becoming uncontrollable and I was tired of struggling with it constantly everday. 20 mg worked great for me last time but of course took several weeks even months for it to fully work. My doctor prescribed me 20 mg and I told him that I wanted to start off with 10 mg at first. He told me that would be ok and to just split them in half. Has anyone been able to stay on 10 mg and get good results? Should I bump up to 20 mg after a couple weeks on 10 mg? I am sensitive to the medication side effects ( increased anxiety, naseau, some depression, agitation, etc.) Should I just bump up to 20 mg right away or can I spare some harsh side effects if I slowly raise my dosage over time. Could 10 mg be therapeutic if I stick it out for a while? Want to be on lowest dose that will help. Will staying on 10 mg for a while then bumping up to 20 mg delay the medication from working as fast than if I just started on 20 mg?

06-08-14, 20:01
Hi island,

Maybe draw on the strength that 20mg work ed before and will again.

Take care,