View Full Version : Blipety blip

05-08-14, 09:54
Hi, I haven't posted on this board before although I did post on the fluoxetine forum around 18 months ago. I suffer with anxiety/depression and have had two previous episodes. 1 was PND and I had an anxiety episode 18 months ago. I had come off fluoxetine but went back on them with propanolol. It took me a while to feel better but after 9 weeks off work I went back and have been really good since. I am a teacher and I always struggle a little in the holidays and I am currently having a blip. I've got the preoccupation with how I feel, loss of appetite, pins and needles, preoccupation with how I feel etc etc. I do feel the tablets working as it is not as bad as before but it is still getting me down. I'm hoping it is a blip and not another episode. I wish I knew how long it would last! Just trying to get through and keep busy. Has anyone else felt like this? Any words of reassurance would be much appreciated. X

05-08-14, 13:54
Hi, Im sure this is just a blipety blip!!! Once the schools are back, you will be fine. I have found this summer hard too but am just focusing on doing one thing at a time and trying to max out my days so I don't have too much time for things to get me down. Keep your chin up!!

05-08-14, 18:12
Thanks for the reply. Saw my counsellor this morning who I hadn't seen since Jan 13. She thinks it's just a blip and that as I've had a lot on at home whilst working too hard my brain is just having 'time out'. It's just so horrible after you've felt well for a while isn't it? I took my little girl into town today and made a real fuss of her. I'm sort of acting my way through the day with a smile on my face and hoping things will change soon. I generally feel better towards the end of the day and them feel really disheartened the next morning when I feel rubbish again. I forgot how reassuring and friendly it is on here when you're feeling low so thanks. Onwards and upwards!

05-08-14, 21:27
I know that it can be hard but you will get through this. It is good that you seen your counsellor as talking to someone outwith the family can really help. I too feel better as the night draws in and feel that im acting my way through the day, but spending time with my 2 kids help take my mind off the anxiety somewhat. I remind myself that I have felt better before and I will again. Good luck and please feel free to PM me anytime if you need to talk.x

expecto patronum
06-08-14, 17:42
Hi Snoopy, I'm sorry I don't have any experience with those medications, but I wanted to post as I can relate to your having a blip during the holidays! I work as a school technician, and I struggle with holidays too, and am having a bit of a rough time at the moment. Coming back on here is a way of admitting to myself that things feel difficult at the moment. It is frustrating because we would like to be able to enjoy our long holidays that we get right?! I think that having a routine that you're happy/confident in is really important to living with anxiety, and suddenly not having that naturally makes you feel wobbly - it's like removing a crutch. The trouble is that when you're feeling better you want to think you're strong enough to do without any 'crutch', and you can't believe that losing confidence again could happen so quickly, so you try to back-paddle against it, and of course that makes it worse :doh:
I tried to find a link to you to a really good web page made by someone who used to come on here, Cymraig Chris, but it says 'under construction'. However I did save it on my computer a while back in case it ever disappeared, so if it's possible to attach a Word doc to a private message I could send it to you? It's written in the form of a letter, from himself when he is well, to himself when he's having a 'setback', and I've found it really helpful

07-08-14, 11:27
Thanks so much. That would be great.

07-08-14, 11:46
Hiya, I'm sure you are going through a small blip and I hope things get better for you soon. That letter sounds like an excellent idea.

expecto patronum
07-08-14, 16:59
ok will try and attach it to a private message :)

07-08-14, 19:18
I got it! Thanks so much for taking the time to send the letter.
This week I have been trying mindfulness on the recommendation of my counsellor and it seems to be helping. I'm going away for a few days tomorrow with friends and family which will either make or break me! I wonder how long a 'blip' lasts before it becomes an 'episode'?!
Thanks again. X

expecto patronum
08-08-14, 18:54
That's ok, glad it went through :) I worried it might crash your mailbox! I've found it complements mindfullness, as the underlying message of both is being willing to accept your anxious thoughts and feelings but don't let them stop you doing what you want to. I have three levels of self help literature that I find helpful in different circumstances, when very anxious/at the beginning of a setback I find Claire Weekes v. helpful, when I'm well on my way and doing well 'The Mindfullness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety' (has been amazing (but too challenging when feeling very low, as I end up trying 'too hard' to practice the advice and somehow that gets me tangled up again) The 'letter' I find to be a useful 'bridge' that works well for me when I'm starting to feel better but still a little shaky. Good luck, the mindfullness sounds like a really positive step :D

---------- Post added at 18:54 ---------- Previous post was at 18:52 ----------

The other thing they have in common is that they help you challenge your perception of anxiety