View Full Version : Swollen lymph glands

20-12-06, 18:55
Hello everyone,
I posted this on the symtoms page as well, so apologies for doubling up - not sure which forum gets read the msot...

I'm hoping I will gain some reassurance here! I have swollen lymph glands in neck and groin. They are painful, too. I have had one or two minor infections, but not enough to cause the glands to raise up, I'd have thought. they are not massive (they are bean sized) and not agony - more uncomfortable. The docs have run blood tests and told me they are nothing to worry about. Anyone had any similar experiences?

I hate health anxiety - it's pants!! Much sympathy to everyone out there - it's nice to know I'm not alone!

20-12-06, 20:48
I don't get this but I have read many posts from people who get raised glands. If your bloods have come back okay, then take some reassurance from this. Anything nasty would have shown up. Have a little search on here, if it helps, and you will find lots of posts about this, and you'll know you're not alone. I know it's worrying, but if you've had the blood tests then I think you can relax (if you can!).

Hope you're feeling better soon

20-12-06, 21:50
Hi Seeker
I've had the same problem for quite a while now with nodes showing in the same places. My GP also said not to worry about it, but I still did. I had my bloods done at A+E whilst I waited and they all came back clear. Like ckirby says, if your bloods are ok then you should try and relax. They check for quite a few things and if anything nasty was going on they would know and tell you for sure.

Hope this re-assusres you a little and helps lift some of your anxiety.

Take care

20-12-06, 21:51
Thank you both - it does make me feel better! I have searched on here, but most people seem to say theirs have gone down after a few weeks. However, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this happens to! thanks again.

20-12-06, 22:04
hi there- i have this problem...at the min i cant shake off cold-i have had it on and off weeks, i can feel lumps in my neck-both sides, one side i have a permenant lump-bean shape, it never goes, my doc run tests and told me not to worry...this time last year i tortured myself that i had leukamia or hodgkins disease....at the min im forever feeling my neck and to make it worse i cant get rid of my sore throat........i had a last FBC done at end of september so when i went to see doc yesterday he wouldnt do nomore tests, and told me to see how i went!
im worried underneath.. as really i wanted him to do the full range of tests like last time-but i know i should just accept that this lump in my neck is really no diff to last time-and it will probably always be swollen...
if you have had the tests i wouldnt worry, like me they may never go back to normal size-i think we have to forget about them
take carexx

20-12-06, 22:09
Thank you all so much - my friends all think I'm mental, and say 'well, doctors have siad you are fine!' and can't understand why I still fret. Can I ask are your glands sore, and do you have any evident infection? I think I would actually feel better if I had a cold orsomething, as at least that would be an infection to fight! I think the fact that I don't seem to have any obvious infection makes me worry more. Ridiculous, isn't it?! I'm a teacher, so am exposed to lots of bugs all the time - I know rationally this is probably why my glands are swollen. I think I am also correct in saying that people with cancer etc are exceedingly tired to the point where normal life becomes difficult, which, I have to say, is not me. Gosh, these forums do lead one to ramble somewhat, don't they? thanks again and I hope you can all take some comfort from knowing we are not alone!

20-12-06, 22:24
I have just realised that it was one of your posts about tinnitus that had the bit about garlic in your ear - that made me laugh! I get tinnitus as well and it's a bugger. Just thought I would share that,as I see you are in the forum now, and it's nice to know we can still make people laugh, even though we feel like crap (or imagine we do!).

20-12-06, 23:16
Yeah that was me :D I tell you this tinnitus drives me absolutely nutz. I've tried everything to "cure" it without any success yet. The garlic and olive oil didn't work until I realised you're sposed to crush the garlic first before putting it in your ear ! Then it did sort of work but came to the conclusion that it was just having an ear full of oil that was deadening the tone. I gave that up.

Before all this anxiety hell started I was so full of life and made a joke of everything. Now I'm half the person I was and all I want is to be myself again, just like every single member on here I guess. We do need to keep a sense of humour cos it helps to get through it.

I've been making a herbal tea cocktali tonight with Bachs Remedy and a few other things. It tastes like crap but got the sink cleaner than Cillit Bang ever did :D

Try to stop worrying about your nodes, blood tests are a sure way of finding markers for other things and if yours are clear then rest assure there won't be anything nasty going on.

Take care

21-12-06, 22:41
Hope this will help. Ive also been suffering HA for months and recently (few weeks ago) have found swollen nodes on my neck..which as left me worrying of lymphoma etc etc, and its pants!!!!!! My dr a few weeks wasnt worried as I had a cold, I saw another dr this week who sent me for a load of blood tests ( all ok) so why do I still worry?????? I have no present infections or cold etc, and have in the last week or two been feeling my daughters sons husbands and mothers neck comparing....yes they all think Im mad lol! but this HA is awful to beat, it I told people half the things I worry about Im sure they would lock me up:Dlol. its great that theres this site to come when you need that reassurance. Regards to all and have a great christmas ( hopefully worry free)

21-12-06, 22:58
it's so silly, isn't it?! I am keeping a diary of my pains/ailments and fears etc, on recommendation of my councillor type person. then, in a year or two, when I start fretting about the next ridiculous ailment, I can get my diary out and say to myself 'well, you wasted all that time worrrying and it was nothing. why waste it again this time?'. I think it will help. I am alos keeping a record of my weight and measurements - I am convinced I am wasting away before my very eyes, but my records tell me otherwise!! It is helpful, actually. My friends would actually have me committed if I felt their necks - I try not todo this sort of thing, as it is only making it worse for me (and you, possibly). If your glands have only been up a few weeks and you had a cold, I really wouldn't worry - they can take 6 - 8 weeks to go down, and some glands never return to their original size. I'm only fretting becasue mine are getting bigger and I haven't had a cold or anything - almost wish I had now!! Also, if you have small children, think of the number of germs they bring home with them. i'm a teacher, which is probably why my glands are bigger - just have to keep telling myself that!

22-12-06, 09:26
I can also relate to having the fear of wasting away but my scales tell me otherwise!!!!!!!!!!
My glands may have always been swollen or they may just be normal to me ( about pea size and more rubbery than hard). Im a staff nurse so you can imagine all the viruses etc I am exposed to ( you would think I would know better being a nurse for years..but my councellor reckons we are the worse for HA). I have found them recently because Ive been looking not because they are causing me any problems, anyway Im not worried about it today it will be something else soonno doubt:(

22-12-06, 09:38
You are brave tigerlily to do your job! My whole family are nurses, but I know I would be exactly the same if I went into nursing. We should think of it as strengthening our immune systems, really!

31-12-06, 16:50
Bump up! Any more lymph gland swellers?!

01-01-07, 18:40
mine are swollen in my armpit and above the bone that goes across my front to my shoulder clavicle i think its called.

i wont be any help to you tho as im convinced i am dying of cancer and i doubt anything anyone says will convince me otherwise. Im so depressed at the moment im pretty much beyond caring tho .

bb natty

01-01-07, 22:13

I know exactly how you feel right now and I guess there are many others who feel the same way. Maybe there isn't anything anyone can say to help relieve your anxiety at the moment but please believe me when I say that I have suffered with swollen nodes/glands for many years and it is NOT indicative of you having something nasty that you are going to die of. There has probably been many many times in the past your nodes have been up and you've never realised cos you never went feeling around ! You know, mine swell up at times when I'm hot believe it or not. I used to play top flight Rugby Union for my City and was physically very fit. After most matches and nearly all training sessions I had swellings in my armpits and always in my groin. They were so sore at times I used a aneasthetic cream on them just so I could walk !! Nodes come up for loads of reasons, more often than not for a common cold. Thats what they do.

The first time my AA started I had no lumps in my pits but kept rubbing and prodding every 10 minutes or so for days on end. My Mrs said she felt she was living with a modern day Nelson ! Anyway after days of rubbing and prodding I found my lump and showed it to a Dr at A&E one afternoon. She gave it a good feel and a prod and said it was a cyst/boil which we all know are brought on my been run down and stressed. Sure enough after a hot bath and a squeeze it went.

You would have so many more and probably worse symptoms if anything really nasty was going on. Go and see your Dr again and explain how you feel and why and if it's for the hundreth time it doesn't matter a toss mate cos that's their job, that's why they do the job they choose and that's why they are paid the money they get. If you feel that you're GP doesn't take you seriously then quit that surgery and find another with a better "bedside manner". I did.

Take it easy.


02-01-07, 16:31
Quick update for you all! Have seen numerous docs about my lymph glands now, all of whom have said they are nothing to worry about. Including the emergency GP on New Year's Day, who said, in fact, that he couldn't feel any swollen glands, and that what I could feel weer perfectly normal glands, that felt big because I am so skinny. Ahem. ooops. I feel a bit stupid now, but as we all know, the worry is still there... Have been referred to ENT dpet for lots of things, so I am confident that they will be able to tell me to stop being so daft and put my mind at ease. Am also going to go on Anti depressants, I think, as now I am crying all the time. Apart from all that, though, I feel fine! Hope you all had good festive season.

Natty, can I advise you see your doctor for reassurance, and for help with your depression - it's terrible that you feel that way.

02-01-07, 19:25
Hi thanks for the reasurrance

I am booked to have an ultrasound on the lump thats in my breast , i am very scared , i fought visiting the Dr about it for months i found it in august and it took me till december to show it to the GP she reffered me to the breast clinic , i went that Dr saw it reassured me it was likely nothing but then booked me in for an ultrasound on it ( thats tommorow) . Even tho i know the Drs have done the right thing and that if they hadnt i would be sat her complaining that maybe they got it wrong , i still feel anxious that they are making me have further checkup because the anxiety part of me says maybe they do think its something thats why they reffered me . its daft i know . i have never mentioned the lymph nodes to the Dr because secretly im worried its a relevant sympton even tho sensibly i know that the chances of me being fatally sick are sooo low . I came off the antidepressants a couple of months ago , they worked quite well but i was suffering from extreme fatigue and was having to take naps every 3 hours for 2 hours at a time and then being unable to sleep properly at night. I hoped that if i napped less in the day id sleep better at night but alas this has not been the case and i rarely if ever fall asleep before 4 am and usually sleep till 12 midday. I am so utterly confused , i have a horrible fear of having cancer ( which i expect is completly normal , i mean who wouldnt fear it ) but lately i seem to be obsessed . My symptons are real however i have poor blance extreme fatigue weak leg muscles stomach problems , hallucinations and back pain , of course these could all be anxiety related but im so exhausted with trying to ignore my feelings , i havent even worked out how im going to be getting to my appointment tomorow and i worried ill panic and not go . its all such a mess but deep down i am sure im being foolish , its like i have a split personality one says im fine stop being a twit and the other that says no these are symptons of something other than anxiety and should be checked .

sorry for ranting i just want some peace for once instead of this constant 24/7 worry.

bb natty

02-01-07, 21:31
Hello Natty,
Well I am glad you have been to the doctor and they have referred you - that's good. I would mention the lymph glands when you have the ultrasound, as they could ultrasound them at the same time! Are you living in Uruguay? It's funny to think of you having the same stress as us in the UK - you don't think other cultures would have the same worries. Your breast lump could be anything - my Mum had lots of cysts in her breasts, which caused her glands to swell. Let us know what happens. have you spoken to the doctor about your depression?

02-01-07, 21:33
Hello Natty - have just realised that Uruguay is next to the UK on the scorll down list - did you just enter the wrong one?! That has made me chuckle, I must admit!

03-01-07, 00:33
yup i guess thats how it happened , i didnt notice for ages but then i thought hey what a good way for an agrophobic to get out and about , the weather is much better over here :)

bb natty

03-01-07, 14:31
ok guys you were all right ( no surprises there then)
nothing to see on the lymph nodes , had an ultrasound to check.
had ultrasound on breast lump it however does in fact exist and the grand size of this huge thing i have been obsessing over is ( drum roll please)

17mmx 11mm hardly a breeze block lol
have to wait till wednesday for biopsy results but lady doing ultrasound says definatly looks benign so not to worry .

bb natty the wuss

03-01-07, 15:50
Hurray! I'm so pleased for you. And so glad you are not in Uruguay!! That's great news. Can I ask, can you feel the lymph nodes by your collar bone, and is it just that they are normal? Don't mean to be funny, but that's what docs keep saying to me and it would be reassuring to know someone else can feel their lymph glands too!!

Phew - you must be relieved Natty. WEll, that's cheered me up before I take my mental dog out for a walk in the freezing cold. Am off todocs AGAIN tomorrow, so will psot here to let you know how it goes...!

03-01-07, 17:53
i cant really feel the nodes individually , its just that whole area that looks swollen looks like a small muscle bulging but i have been told if you are persistant you can actually feel them , i can feel the ones under my armpits if i hunt hard enough but again it was the genral area of swollen appearance that had me worried not the size of the individual nodes.
i hope your appointment goes well tommorow and that you have fun walking your dog , i think it will be a few days before i can walk mine as it really hurts to move my arm at the moment . the plus side is it gets me out of the housework lol

bb natty

03-01-07, 18:11
Well done Natty for finding the courage and big big hugs for going through everything you have done. I'm so relieved for you that your mind may rest easy now.

Funny enough I started a new job today and my Tinnitus stopped for the first time in months. Then I come on here and it's started again !! Out with the garlic again tonight I thinks :D

03-01-07, 18:25
LOL! It is reassuring to know we can be normal, too, isn't it? not sure my fellow dog walkers agree, though - they saw me striding through the fields lunging away, swinging my arms around trying to relieve stiff muscles - in my big puffa coat, yellow wellies and woolly bobble hat, with a mental beagle leaping around, it must have made them chuckle! I think I need to laugh more, actually - will watch the Green wing DVD I bought for someone for Christmas and forgot to give them! Glad your tinnitus went away Dex and good luck with the new job - I think i have come to realise that teaching is causing quite a lot of mentalness and am looking for other employment - quite apart from anything, I have far too many holidays to think myself up my own arse!

03-01-07, 21:12
good luk with the job Dex and i hope the tinnitus buggers off soon.
seeker your post made me laugh, and i highly reccomend the green wing DVd Green wing is hilarious.
As for looking mad when you walk your dog dont worry its almost compulsory, dog dont you rember barbra woodhouse lol
your yellow wellies sound most cool mine are just regular green .
I love beagles got any pics to post ? I always wanted a beagle but i heard they are really naughty and can be noisy and you cant let them off lead cos they run away . is that what youve found . they have the prettiest expressions and they always look sooo happy.
bb natty

03-01-07, 21:17
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">LOL! It is reassuring to know we can be normal, too, isn't it? not sure my fellow dog walkers agree, though - they saw me striding through the fields lunging away, swinging my arms around trying to relieve stiff muscles - in my big puffa coat, yellow wellies and woolly bobble hat, with a mental beagle leaping around, it must have made them chuckle! I think I need to laugh more, actually - will watch the Green wing DVD I bought for someone for Christmas and forgot to give them! Glad your tinnitus went away Dex and good luck with the new job - I think i have come to realise that teaching is causing quite a lot of mentalness and am looking for other employment - quite apart from anything, I have far too many holidays to think myself up my own arse!
Haggisfish </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

:D LOL have mental picture of woman in puffa jacket doing mad ritualistic dance with mad dog !!! Well funny thoughts.

I guess I maybe on a slippery slope with the new job........it's in a grammar school. The tinnitus could be back to bite me on the arse (or ear) pretty soon !

04-01-07, 01:28
ive been having some extreme anxiety recently about my neck lymph nodes, left side, among other things.
long story, lots of symptoms that make me think i have hodgkin's. today i went in for a second time, to a different doctor, who told me like the first to not worry about hodgkin's. there were some inconsistencies with their interpretations of a chest x-ray done last june... very frustrating... but both said the x-ray was normal.
i was sent home today with anti-inflammatory meds and told to get some blood tests done in three weeks if i'm still concerned about the lymph nodes.
as i said, it's a long story, but i feel less capable now of reassuring myself than ever...
can lymph nodes go up by feeling them (brutishly) too much? or from muscle tension?
i have just started noticing night sweats, not "drenching" but there, always in the first four or so hours of sleep; how do i know if that's from anxiety? i guess i have to learn to live with uncertainty.
sorry that was off topic, and this message is so negative, but the point is yes i have lymph nodes and i worry about them..


04-01-07, 01:35
Sounds familiar - at least your doctor sent you for a chest xray! The frustrating thing about the blood tests is that so many lymphoma sites say 'all our blood tests have been perfectly normal'. However, my doc told me lymphoma glands are usually golf ball sized. Yes, it is possible to irritate your glands and cause them to swell by prodding them! I read somewhere that the night sweats with lymphoma are literally drenching - bedsheets wringing wet etc. Hope this helps to reassure you. Also, I think from what I have read, the glands tend to come up massively over night, rather than slowly growing. However, I know all of this and it hasn't stopped me from worrying!! Keep us posted!