View Full Version : HA survivor and sufferer

05-08-14, 22:41
I'm 34 and a had HA since the birth of my daughter and death of my mother 4 years ago. My mum had HA all her life but never diagnosed. She always believed she would get cancer and then when she did die of cancer, as I was in the initial throes of post natel depression, it triggered my HA.
Had 2 years of fluoxetine and cbt/councilling and been "incident free" for monthsuntil the last few days. Been off meds for a few months as trying for baby number 2.
Determined to fight this!

05-08-14, 23:55
Hiya izzysmum

Welcome to the site.

07-08-14, 10:14

Good for you for fighting this. I'm in a similar position where my HA was started when my daughter was born with leukaemia. I'm waiting for CBT is it any good?

You sound like your coping well.