View Full Version : Totally embarrassed about visiting GP...

Frank TJ
06-08-14, 11:52
As a long-term sufferer of HA, I end up paying visits to my GP way more often than I should as a reasonably healthy 35 year old man (as far as I know!). I mean I’m not talking like every week or anything, but I’d say around 3-4 times over a 12 month period.

My HA can subside for a couple of months at a time, but then a symptom will raise its ugly head and I’m convinced its curtains for me! The best one of recent times was a completely innocuous tiny lesion on my ear lobe that I was convinced was deadly skin cancer… Nope, just a small boil that went away with some anti-bacterial cream prescribed by my GP. But it would have gone away on its own no doubt! Then I end up feeling highly embarrassed that I went to the docs…

Which brings me to the past 7 days when I have been experiencing this nagging occasional stabbing ache/pain in the left upper side of my chest. It went away last week for a few days but then came back with a vengeance yesterday and I ended up thinking I wouldn’t make it through the night last night… my heart was definitely packing up! Cue anxiety attack!

But… I’m still alive today! (I have to laugh at my HA, it’s the only way I can deal with it!)

Still getting the aches and sudden pains in the left side of my chest, but not yet as bad as yesterday. But I really want to go to the docs about it, which brings me to my worry. I’m so embarrassed about going to my docs these days as I think they can see me coming! They must think I’m a right baby as a 35 year old man always going to the docs! I try to see all different docs at my local surgery so I don’t see the same one consecutively, but I know they can all see my records and the ridiculous amount of times I visit!

Basically I’m ashamed every time I go and sometimes won’t go because I’m so embarrassed. But then I am also so very worried about my chest that I want to go! It’s a horrible situation weighing up the embarrassment vs the HA fear. Anyone else face this?

06-08-14, 13:07
Hi Frank
I don't think 3 to 4 times a year is excessive. I'm sure there's nothing wrong, but don't be embarrassed to go to your doctor.

When you next go, explain to them that you sometimes get anxious about your health. I think when a doctor knows you have some insight about your problems they are usually quite sympathetic. Explain that because you are anxious, it's hard for you to know when your symptoms are harmless or not. Build a good relationship with one doctor if you can.

Have a look on http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53.

This is a great resource for working through Health Anxiety.

Frank TJ
06-08-14, 13:34
Thanks Primula, that's very helpful... from a fellow Welsh person too! Will def check out that link...

06-08-14, 14:09
Ha ha, your welcome Frank. I can't speak any welsh though. :blush:

06-08-14, 14:54
I think I remember reading somewhere that the average is 6 consultations per year?
4 a year doesn't sound excessive, some hardcore hypochondriac will go literally once a week without fail....

06-08-14, 17:56
Christ I'm there once a month lol

06-08-14, 22:05
I agree, I often find myself in this position myself (last visit for me was also about a suspicious mole) and I tell the Dr that my anxiety is causing me problems. I've sometimes had to explain to doctors that I don't want excessive reassurance and I only want further testing if they consider it really necessary. I've had doctors in the past who have referred me for tests for reassurance and that generally makes it worse. I think being honest about your anxiety with the Dr means they have more respect for you because they can see that you're trying to deal with your problem and not trying to waste their time.

Frank TJ
07-08-14, 08:54
Thanks all for your responses...

I have mentioned my anxiety to one of the GP’s at my local surgery. Because my HA is quite intermittent we were both wary of starting me off on any drugs so I just got prescribed beta blockers for when I feel a panic attack coming on (which rarely ever happens, maybe like twice a year!). He also sent me on a 6 week anxiety course at a local church hall which I found of little use. There were people on this course with severe anxiety and talk of techniques of how to actually leave the house and go down the shops! Now I have complete sympathy for these people but I work a full time job am happily married to my beautiful soul mate and have a gorgeous 7 week old daughter. My HA is not severe, but enough to keep nagging on at me and stopping me from fully enjoying all the fruits of how lucky I am!

I would really like some CBT but my doc told me there is nothing available in this area on the NHS, therefore I would have to pay privately, which I am not in a position to do financially at the moment with my wife on maternity leave!

Whilst I understand that drugs work for some people, it just seems crazy that the NHS throw so much money at medication for anxiety yet CBT is not widely available at all in the UK. I would really like the chance to speak to someone one on one about my issues but that’s just not going to happen on the NHS which just seems crazy as they throw millions of pounds at anxiety drugs.

*Fallen Angel*
07-08-14, 09:18
Firstly the amount of times you visit the GP isn't excessive at all. I go way more often! I think the advice about explaining a bit more of your history with HA can help. My GP is aware and knows I google but he always listens and never makes me feel like a time waster.

I too live in Wales and can't get any CBT or the like via my GP as there is no funding. There is a free online CBT course via this site that many members rate, maybe you can try that? I agree it's crazy that we can't get any help but a prescription is readily available!

07-08-14, 09:42
You could try this http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/cognitive-behaviour-therapy-(cbt)/#.U-M65-NdUp0. MIND don't charge very much for cbt sessions, but there will be a waiting list.

If your HA is not so severe, the self help websites are great. Good Luck